Blackstone no longer accepting medicare or medicare advantage plans
She did my surgery with the agreement she would care for the band and she isn't NOT going to care for me or the band. She just isn't accepting medicare anymore. She is charging her cash price now for office visits and for the fills. I don't have to pay her price if I want to go elsewhere. That is why I was going to try to find another doctor to do the fills on my insurance. I think medicare paid her about $800 for the surgery and pays her about $75 for fills. They quoted me about 4 times that for fills if I am on cash basis. Hopefully, I won't need anymore fills. Hopefully my band won't displace. Maybe I can get to goal eventually without office visits. I am losing so slowly I am frustrated but my bmr is only 1600 calories so I have to eat about 400 calories maximum daily to actually lose weight and that is practically impossible to do. So I lose about 4 lbs a month. Oh it wasn't my day today.