Juarez, Fang office
Do you have FepBlue? I was blessed with an approval within a couple of hours. I gave this big long speech about "oh now my wait begins" and low and be hold she sent me an email saying I was approved. God works in mysterious ways and hopefully when she gets your info into BCBS you will have a speedy approval.
Hi Gena,
I also tried Nicole all last week. she was out with the flu and still not well but there anyway on friday. this morning i called and waited on hold for 20 min to get to talk to her and she finally scheduled me for March 24. I just saw Dr. Fang last tuesday. You might call and ask for jennifer. She is the office manager i think and waas sooooo helpful to me. i think nicole is really swamped. You have to keep calling even tho you think your bugging them. sweaky wheel!
ARGH! I wish I could just go in at night and fax everyone's paperwork....you know be the approval fairy :-D. I understand that woman is probably so behind and I am sure the phone calls don't help but at the same time I know how it feels to be a patient and want to get things done. It' s coming Gena.
Gena, I am having my surgery on the 24th, very excited and a little nervous. I am having RNY.
You know I thought you looked familiar :) Are you one of my customers? Definately will keep in touch, this is a great forum. I get alot of support from the folks around me and in my life but this group is special to me already. WLS family :)