This message board needs a SEARCH button feature. I am pre-op and hoping to have RNY in 2008. I like to plan ahead especially for financial aspects and having a pre-planned weekly menu really helps me currently stay on track with my financial goals. I am a creature of habit so I like to each similiar foods daily in general.
For instance my current menu looks sorta like this; Breakfast: oatmeal Snack: apple with peanut butter Lunch: salad with protein on it Snack: orange Snack: high fiber cliff bar Dinner: grilled chicken and rice pilaf
since I know what I will be eating, i know how much it costs for a weeks worth of food, etc..
I am curious what my post op diet menu will look like. Can a few of you post either your weekly menu or your weekly grocery list.
Thank you,
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I agree it is alot of food. On a really hungry day I could maybe eat that posted menu you have. At 4 years out and I cant explain it I get really hungry days and days I could not be bothered with food. I dont know why. Most important advise is eat slow because I dont care what type of surgery you have, it takes time for your stomach to get the signal to your brain it is full. If you eat too fast you could end up feeling miserable. Also beware of sugar free things. I must be allergic to them because they swell up my pouch terrible. I am going to post something about that. I wonder if it happens to others also. Good luck. This is a great website and people take sucn good care of each other. I guess since we are all in the same boat.