Joyce's posting privileges have been shut down

on 12/30/07 12:21 pm - Layton, UT
  Just kidding!  The meds are making me wobbly though so it's time to hit the bed.....but, didn't want to neglect answering anyone.........which I probably will anyway.......himble apologies to you..... Connie ....  Doc Schlesinger needed to open me up anyway for a partial bowel obstruction and since I was on the high end of regain for a stompahyx candidate decided to go for the Revision to Distal.  Hope it was a good decision for me. Doc Simpson questions?  A misunderstanding.... I was not ever Dr. Simpson's patient though he did write a script for me once!  LOL!  He was myboss!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!  Soooooooooooo when you go into his office then give him a big wet kiss on the cheek and tell him that it's from Joyce! He's a GREAT surgeon.  His patient's love him! Deanna...I'll keep everyone posted on how I'm doing. Moira!  You are an Angel sweetie pie! To the gal wondering if North Valley Plastic surgery offers financing.  We do not personally finance but we help hook you up with companies who do.  Capitol One is just one of the options. The the girl who pm'd me about whether she should let her hubby buy her a brand new car or a body lift........WHAT????  I"m on drugs and can see this one clearly!!!!!  Your body is with you forever girlfriend!  That car will run it's pretties out quickly and you'll still have skin tucked deep inside your way to stretchy panties!!!!  Definitely go for the body lift!  Finish what you started in your pursuite of becoming who you want to be!!!!  Call me when I get back from my recovery  480.991.6877 To you other well wishers offering me a speedy recovery.........THANKYOU soooooooo much!!!!!!  Someday this choice will make sense to me, right???? Night night!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


M. clarke
on 12/30/07 3:52 pm
Joyce, I am so glad to hear you are doing well. I want to talk to you more about the bowel obstruction later when you are feeling better, and what if anything that had to do with the first weight loss surgery. My family has a history of obstructions, polyps, cancer and so on. So anything in that area concerns me. So I am just a wee bit concerned if I should be should be doing anything to prevent problems if anything can be done. Did any of that make sense? Anyways. Maybe if you feel like it when you feel better you can give me some info. I hope you have a good new year! Aside from being tipsy how are you feeling and handling the changes so far? Are you still on liquids?
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