New here

on 12/23/07 1:36 am - Glendale, AZ
Hi, I think I just read the last 15 pages of this message board and have learned a lot so far! I have looked into WLS a long time ago, but decided it wasn't for me.  I've known a bunch of people who have had the RNY done, but now I'm looking into the Lap Band.  It looks like something that may work for me. I never thought WLS  was the answer as I thought it wasn't treating the real problem, which is my head/emotions/habits, etc.  How can doing surgery on my stomach cure my eating (head) issues?  I'm a psychotherapist and I still can't figure it out, well, actually I can, but I don't know how to "fix it".  :)  While watching an infomercial (WLIAZ) today it hit me that maybe there isn't an actual cure or remedy for the psychological component.  So, I looked up the website of the infomercial and went an hour later to their seminar.  It was interesting. Now, after reading these pages I finally read some not so positive comments about this particular place (mainly about fees).  I was looking for all pros and cons as I don't want to sign up with the first doc I meet and then regret it later.  I will most likely be cash pay (financing anyway).  Anyone out there finance their surgery through one of those companies that do surgery financing?  WLIAZ (Dr. Orris, that is) stated about $18,500 for cash pay clients.  Who else is out there and what do they charge for Lap Band?  I will continue to research this procedure to see if it's right for me.  I'm 32 years old and don't want to get old and have lots of medical issues.  I have lost over a 100 lbs twice in the past 10 years, but gained it back, plus some.  :(  This year I am at my highest weight ever.  Anyone have any advice or encouraging words?  I appreciate any feedback.  Thanks, Heather
on 12/23/07 2:38 am - mesa, AZ
Heather  Sounds like you have done some homework , Your right  the  "Head issue's " have to be addressed and worked on !  I had RNY and with the weight loss , The positive things  started to work with my head and I can say I am much better today  than I was 2 yrs ago, I still have some issue and will most likely always have some - But then again I am told I am normal.  As  a cash pay you can get some great deals and a lot quicker on the surgery schedule - no ins red tape ,  I would suggest you check out Dr Schlessinger  in Phx - He is a great Doc and has a better rate. I also Know Dr Terry Simpson is good - he is the  valleys " king of lap band "    also Dr's Fang and Juarez  have a lot of "banders"     Who ever you use - Keep us posted , There are also local support groups you can come to and check things out .
M. clarke
on 12/23/07 4:39 am
Heather, I think you are right in that the surgery doesn't treat the problem. Personally I went through a lot of counseling with the surgery. I don't think that any of this is an easy fix. I was against he surgery for a long time for the same reason you listed. And your right. It isn't going to fix them. Recognizing that you have head hunger and food issues is a huge step toward getting healthy. But if you really want to be successful you need to be prepared to deal with those issues. Or else you are either going to end up putting back on the weight, or you are going to end up skinny with other issues or addictions. I was watching I think it was on Opera that 30% of woman who have the surgery end up with other addictions such as sexual, shopping, alcohol. Because as you said they don't deal with their head issues. So great, now they are skinny but they die of liver disease because they are drinking. That is clever! I'm not sure if that was positive you were looking for. Just real. It's a serious surgery. And I want people to be successful. And happy. And healthy. Surgery doesn't cure anyone. They cure themselves. The surgery just helps them get their bodies moving again.
on 12/23/07 5:02 am - Glendale, AZ
Thank you both for your words. I will definitely think about my options.  I am learning a lot about different surgeons and that helps! I think I will first really make an effort with counseling.  It's so difficult finding a good one, but I will give it a shot.  I will try using my insurance for that again so it's less out of pocket.  I just don't want to get the surgery and then "go mad" wanting to eat but can't.  I've already combatted a 20 year major depression a few years back, I don't want that to come back hard.   I will start calling therapists after Christmas and see how that goes. I also did watch that Oprah episode and thanks for reminding me about replacing addictions - it's all too common.  I can see myself get into that pattern pretty easily if I'm not careful.  The addictive personality is powerful!  I just need a lap band for my brain.  LOL  Thanks again!
on 12/23/07 11:50 pm - Glendale, AZ
Just wanted to say WELCOME!
}i{ Julie
Candi Y.
on 12/24/07 12:04 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Happy Holidays Heather, It was about a year ago to date that my life was just so missarable, I had personally made the decision to have WLS, but finacially it was going to kill me, so I  put my HAPPY FACE on through the holidays and after New Years '07 drove into to Phx to meet with some different Doc's.  I knew I wanted the Band, it was right for me because I have always been someone who can loose, but gains it back....  After seeing 3 different Doc's I went with, the Doc who some refer to as "KING OF THE BAND"  Doc Simpson, hes in GLendale and the Band is all he does, but his support group and after care is so personable, its like he becomes your friend!  I couldn't ask for a better Doc and yes the monthly payment I have does hurt at times, BUT I HAVE NEVER and I mean NEVER regreted it ONE TIME!   I do agree that WLS does not heal our HEAD ISSUE, but I can tell you for me, IT SURE DID HELP, which makes it easier to deal with other ones!  Good Luck in your Journey, talk to people like your doing, this board is WONDERFULL and REMEMBER this is for YOU and YOU are a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON, as women we always put "US" in the background and everyone else in front!  Feel free to read my journey on my profile, enjoy your holidays!  Best Of Luck Candi
on 12/26/07 1:09 pm - queen creek, AZ

Heather,  Needless to say, you are right, there is a huge psyche component to  any weight loss.  I had my band 2 years ago with WLIAZ, My hubby & I are in the infomercial you saw....   My hubby & I lost over 260 pounds with our bands ( I was 262, so we lost the whole me).  I have been able to keep my weight off for almost 18 months and not had any regain.  I can tell you all about the WLIAZ.  I love the docs & I think the nutritionist is the best in the state but email me at [email protected]  and I can give you the skinny on the band and tell you about your other options as far as the who what & where...... I think you are doing the right thing in researching your options & taking the time to make an informed choice.  WLS is never easy but it can be so worth it in the end!!! Good Luck, 

Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
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