Wow, it feels like forever since I last posted. I really miss talking to you all! I have had a lot of things going on in my life lately, some good and some not.
Let's start with the good...
I have lost a total of 92 pounds... woohoo! I accepted a new position at work, yep a promotion! I'm down to 170 pounds, I fit into a size 10 jeans (still wear some 12's), and I'm finally starting to see some muscles!!!!
I'm very excited about my weight loss but I'm at the point where I just can't wait to get to my goal. I'm guessing about another four to six months, as I want to lose another 40 pounds.
The not so good news is that I recently lost my father and my aunt. They both passed away from cancer. Although it's been a tough time, I'm trying to look at the positive. Their passing was a wake up call on just how important my health is and has motivated me to keep going.
I also found out that once you hit 40, vanity sets in! I want to feel good, have an amazing body and must importantly feel attractive again! The only way that is going to happen is if I continue on with this healthier lifestyle.
That should get everyone up to speed on what's been happening with me and I would love to hear from you all! Take care....
Happy Holidays,