Relocating from California
The Dr. you are referring to is Dr. Robin Blackstone. She is an awesome Dr. I am 3 months post op and she was wonderful.
There are support groups through her office on the first Monday and second Wednesday of every month. They are held at the Scottsdale Healthcare hospital on Shea Blvd in Scottsdale. It is a drive for you from Glendale but it is worth it.
Sorry to burst your bubble - But I dont believe Dr Blackstone takes on other practices patients - unless there is more surgery to be done. You Might also Check out Dr Schlesinger In the P.v. area He is awesome- very caring and is easy to get to. His Number is 480 991-6877
Dr Blackstones is 480 391-3885 or tool free 800 504-9567
Dr Blackstone is more than awesome - But hard to get into see !
I found the same thing out the hard way...I called every doctor in town, literally, and found that the only doctors willing to accept post-op patients into their practice were Dr. Schlesinger at AZ Weight Loss Solutions in NE Phoenix (Tatum/101) and Dr. Podekami at Banner Gateway Hospital in Mesa (Higley/US 60)....I went to see Dr. Schlesinger despite the long drive because of his reputation and am very happy with my choice...As for support groups, try a few of 'em. go with the one you are most likely to stick with, even if it isn't the closest...check out the Chandler Regional group if you get a chance...
I had the same problem and I will be getting with Dr. Schlesinger soon. I'm 18 months out so I don't need to see him until June so I'll wait a bit. I live in Sun City which is really close to you. I'm thinking of starting a group here if you'd like to help me. I'm an OH support leader who moved here from Michigan in November. I miss the support groups but I just don't have time to drive anywhere far at night and I work from 8 - 5 all day so the daytime groups don't work for me.
Let me know if you'd be interested.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
I would be really interested in assisting with a new group. I will be spending a good majority of my time in Sun City, since that's where my best friend lives. Not sure of what my husband's work hours yet (his job is relocating him), but pretty much any time would be good for me. My personal e-mail address is [email protected].
Will be really nice to have another "friend" in a brand new place!!