Lap Band vs Bypass Questions

on 11/19/07 2:49 am - Glendale, AZ
I'm in the process of trying to decide between Lap-Band & bypass and keep flip-flopping between the two.  I'm interested in knowing the successes/failures of those who have had either of these procedures and if you have any regrets having one over the other. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
on 11/20/07 6:31 am
M. clarke
on 11/20/07 7:37 am
First of all congrats on getting on the weight loss surgery path! It is great that you are asking questions. Please stray away from anyone that wants to tell you that one surgery is better then another. Both surgeries can be successful, and both can fail. It is really up to you, and what your personal needs are as far as which surgery is going to be best for you. It really is a decision that you should make with your doctor as far as which surgery to have.It depends highly on your physical as well as mental health not just which one is popular at the time.  Keep in mind that both surgeries are proven to work, or fail, and it really depends on you and how committed you are to making it work. If your doctor isn't helping you to decide which one is best for you then you might want to consider a consultation with another doctor. There are reasons to have one surgery over another. For instance, if you have serious medical issues the RNY might be a better option. If your just looking to shed some pound and are otherwise in good health then the lapband may be better. That is just an example. But those are the things that the doctor should go over with you. As well as you mental health. Mental health is also so important in your recovery! Great luck to you on your decision!!
on 11/23/07 11:18 am - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
Hi I also used Dr Simon ....I went for the bypass ...and I am sooo thankful I did ...the girl in the room next to me had the band and already had regrets...1 day out...I have had a few bad days but I love the way I feel 30 # gone forever in just 3 reason I did not do the band is I did not want to have to worry about fills and the band makes it easy to cheat..( this told to me by a co worker who has one) I wanted a tool that would work for me for the rest of mylife...YOU will love Dr Simon ...his staff is great...I think I drove poor Amber off the deep end with calling so much in the early days before I got my date ...Lisa
on 11/23/07 11:20 am - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
ooppp's forgot to mention that my Bypass was PAIN FREE he used a deal that feeds pain meds right into the site so I had NO pain to speak of ...and oh when he says your up every hour to walk YOUR up ...
Cassi J.
on 11/24/07 11:12 am - AZ
As LissC mentioned, it's not a matter of "which one is better".  Both surgeries have their pros and cons, and you MUST consider your unique situation: how much do you want to lose, what are your comorbidities, what are your eating triggers, etc.   I do think that the band is easier to cheat.  But the RNY is essentially irreversible.  There are so many considerations; your surgeon should be your number 1 resource for which type is best for you.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

on 11/25/07 5:30 am
Hi jul. There are sets of issues that come with each surgery.  I personnally had the RNY....and my husband had the Lapband. I will share with you MY experience with both surgeries....just remember that everyone is different. RNY surgery.... I was a 'light-weight' I weighed 237 at my highest. I got to my goal of 125 within 6 months after surgery.....Easiest thing I ever did.....I didn't have to exercise....I didn't have to watch what I ate...Nothing. But then, my surgeon told me that I needed to maintain. I had to change my eating habits and now I have to eat constantly. I must eat 10-15 times a day. After about the first year, I gained back about 12 pounds, and for over 2 years now, I have leveled out at about 137 (give or take). The malabsorbtion issues are there.... the malabsorption can be a good thing and a bad thing.... You don't absorb the sugar/fats/carbs/etc.....but you also don't absorb vitamins/minirals/calcium.... Pros: I no longer have Diabetes, I am thin, No more knee trouble, I have a ton of energy, I am self-confident now. Lost weight FAST. Cons: I now have LOW blood sugar, I am lactose intolerant, I am white carb intolerant (bread, rice, tortilla, pasta, etc), I cannot have anything cooked in grease, I cant tolerate much sugar. Dumping syndrome. One wrong bite of food can put me into (what seems like) a coma. I get sick everytime I eat. Lap-band surgery......My husband had the surgery and initially lost 60+ pounds.... but within a year, he wasn't able to have the will power to maintain what seemed like a permanent diet. He has since gained back ALL of the weight he lost PLUS SOME. Now I will say that this tool can work, however, it takes LOTS of will power. Everything you put in your mouth still absorbs, and you can manipulate the band.... the food CAN be pushed down into the lower stomach, which would allow you to over-eat.  Pros: Less evasive surgery, reversible, very flexible Cons: Have to diet, can't be a sweet-eater, everything absorbs, can manipulate it, must have WILL-power for life to make it work. Lose weight at a SLOWER rate. Gets sick everytime he eats Good luck....and I recommend doing lots of research, with your individual cir****tances at mind. Please know...I wouldn't change my surgery for anything.... It has saved my life, and changed my life dramatically..... My husband is looking into a revision to the RNY. The Lap band is all about Will power. and for most of us....the reason we are looking at surgery to begin with is the fact that we lack the will power.  Hugs, Jen
on 11/25/07 10:02 am - Layton, UT
Wow!  Thanks soooooo much for sharing your experiences with both surgeries!  GREAT information and from my own experience I'd say your examples represent very well! Congrats to you on your maintained weight loss!  Good luck to your hubby on the revision! Revision options can be lifesavers and since surgeries of all types sometimes fail us; it's important to realize that there are fixes available! I'll  be having a "fix" of my original Rny (5 years post-op) the end of December!  Thank Heaven's for SECOND chances!  .....  My hubby also had Rny (4 years post-op) and is still at the top of his "on target" game!  ........ Funny how we each have one success and one "yet to be successful" partner in our pairs!   Maybe all of us can be happy and healthy couples in 2008! LOSER'S ROCK!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 11/25/07 9:24 pm - Glendale, AZ
Thanks Jen, and for that matter, the rest of you who have shared your experiences. I really do appreciate it! I'm still not sure which one I'll go with, but hopefully will decide soon! Congratulations on your successes! Julie
(deactivated member)
on 11/26/07 12:27 am - AZ
I agree with everyone else you need to choose what is right for you....

I for one have had great success with the Lap Band. (But it hasn't been easy for me) I had some minor problems that I did over come.
I was banded in March of this year and was also considered a light weight weighing in at 241.
I didn't have any health issues prior to having WLS I just wanted to loose the weight and keep it off.

I hit my goal of 155 in October so it took me a little over 7 months to reach it.
I think the Lap Band is great...
Even with the problems I had I would do it again.

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