Questions about the sweet spot, fills and overfills.

on 11/16/07 10:30 am
I had my 3rd fill a week ago.  I was on liquids until last Sunday and then tried to eat a small dinner to no avail but on Monday morning I at breakfast with no problem.  For lunch I had a small salad and 4 or 5 shrimp and that went all right.  I couldn't eat much more than the 4 or 5 shrimp but a cup of mixed salad went  down fine in small bites eaten slowly.   I had a small steak with one small zucinni for dinner and couldn't keep any bites of it down at all.   On tuesday I had .5 cc taken out and then since I have had no restriction again unless I eat too big a bite or eat too quickly.  Then I can't eat anything at all.  I am very confused.  When I eat in small bites and slowly I can eat cups and cups of food without restriction.  If I eat too quickly or take too big a bite then I can't hold anything down because I feel gagged.  I am going back in next Wednesday to add back .25 cc to see if that becomes my sweet spot.  I am wondering if I should have the whole .5 cc put in. Do any of you long time banders have any experience with this type of reaction to give me some advise or information.  Do you think I should have left the fluid in my band and just waited to see if I was just swollen?  I can still eat about 2 cups of food.  With the full 6cc's in my band I could only eat max 1 cup of food.  Please give me some insight. Also, I am realizing that the band works best when one eats dense protein and veggies. It will not restirct liquid foods, ice creams, pastries, crackers, potatoe chips, postatoes or any of those kinds of foods. It works optimally when one eats dense protein first, then veggies at which time the satiety level is reached and small three meal a day behavior takes preciedent. When one snacks in between with the other aforementioned foods then the band will not restrict any of them so weight loss is sabatoged. I am looking foward to reaching the 'sweet spot' of fills so I will be a a small portion of those optimal proteins and vegetables and not food seeking in between meals.  Please help clue me in!

Top weight 244/ surgery 236/goal 137
on 11/16/07 10:51 pm - queen creek, AZ
You are right about how the band works best, yet you need to understand that you need to find how it best works for you.  Just beacause you can eat lots doesn't mean you should.  It could be that you can not eat steak at your "sweet spot".  I know I could not eat steak or chicken breast at my optimal fill level.  I chose to not eat them while I was losing weight and backed off the fluid when I hit my goal.  Ideally you want to get your lean protein in then the veges to follow.  I did not do the 3 small meals as that did not satisfy me.  The program I was on called for 5-6 smaller meals (about half a cup each).  It worked best for ME because I was used to eating that much due to my diabetic diet.   I backed off the fliud once I felt I had enough behavior modification to not rely on my band for will power as much. (I have never had more than 4cc in my band)  The amount in your band doesn't matter as much as how well you can tolerate foods you NEED.  You really need to be comforable with what works for you.  You may want to try to eat smaller portions more often and see if that curbs your need to "snack".  I make darn sure I wait 30 mins after I eat to drink and that I drink plenty of water.  I do not do protein shakes at all (they taste yucky to me). This is how I got to my optimal spot, I planned out my meals and calories for the day then I had my fills and once I felt satiety I would stop eating.  If I didn't or it took too long, I knew I was not there yet.  I still stuck to my calorie load for that day and then one day it clicked.  I do not really count cals anymore, I eyeball it.  I do however plan my meals.  I feel it works best for me and my hubby (banded too).  Our kids benefit by the set food amounts and they will hopedfully not have to go down the WLS road that we did. I guess what I am trying to say is.....  only you can determine where your spot it, getting there may take some fine tweaking but you can do it.  Just because your dietician states eat 3 meals per day doesn't mean that it will work for you.  Work with your band and figure out what works and do it.  If not eating steak for a couple of months while you get your weight off then add it back as you can is what you need to maintain the right fill, then do that.   Good Luck and keep up the good work! Jen Banded 12/15/05 At goal since 7/14/06 Total loss-140 pounds
on 11/17/07 2:47 am
I realize now that I was probably at the optimal fill level and didn't understand it because of the 'steak' not going down.  I should have left the fill as is and just not eat the steak. I ate an apple and was satisfied for 4 hours after one apple. After the 1/2 cc is out I can eat lots again.  I am going back in on Wed. for a refil.   I think I reacted to having restriction and it startled me.  I was only able to eat about 3/4's of a cup of food finally and that scared me because I have been in the large meal mode for so many years I didn't understand that 1/2 to 3/4 cup of food was a good thing. I like what you suggest about the 5 or 6 tiny meal approach too.  So Wednesday I am getting more fill again but I doubt if my doctor will add the full .5 cc back.  Thanks for the info. It helps alot.

Top weight 244/ surgery 236/goal 137
on 11/17/07 11:33 am - AZ
Hi, I have had one fill and am considering getting a second as I seem to be hungry about every 3-4hours. I do try and keep my intake amount at about 1 cup but it does not seem to last me very long and weight loss has slowed considerably. Just wanted some feedback with others experience and Idea's... thanks Ann

on 11/17/07 12:07 pm - queen creek, AZ
Ann,  You probably will benefit most with a second fill.  What doc did your surgery? I tried not to go so much by the quantity as much as the quality of my food.  During my losing stage, I counted calories.  I know people hate that but it was the only real way for me to know exactly how much I was eating.  I planned meals and knew about how much of each item I could consume without "stuffing" myself.  Now I don't need to "count" calories as I eyeball the amounts and live within my limits.  Its easier now that I have been doing it so long.  It does get easier with practice.  Developing better habits is the key to success.  Once you figure out what is working, it will become a habit.   As far as your loss tapering off, Looking at when you had surgery and todays date, I think you are doing a great job!  You are doing better than 10 pounds a month!   Keep up with your fills and get the momentum going strong.  Sometimes we need to mix it up a bit to get it going.  If you find yourself hungrier sooner than you think you should be, eat some good lean protein and see if that does the trick.  I am a firm follower of the 5-6 smaller meals route.  I rarely feel hungry and get tons of protein and I eat tons of lower cal foods to keep me satisfied. Good Luck and let me know how your fill goes.  
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
on 11/18/07 8:54 am - AZ
Thanks Jen, I had my lap band with Dr. Fang 8/21/07. I too have been trying to pay attention to quality vs. quantity. I try and eat mostly protein with a few veggies if I have room, but stop whenever I feel no hunger, not stuffed. Mostly about 1 cup....8oz  lean cuisine or ground turkey spinach salad...I guess its just time to get the second much do they put in each time you get a fill? can't remember what it as with the first one....anywho...nice to have someone to bounce idea's thoughts off of...thanks

on 11/18/07 8:56 am - AZ
Wow Jen , I was just looking at your banded date and goal lost 140pds in 7 months?? AMAZING!!!

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