Question about Scottsdale Bariatric Doctors
When looking for licensing info you should also check the DO site the MD site will not have any info on DOs or Nurses etc. If you go to the MD site and cannot locate a doc, click on the "other sites of interest" link and you will find links for all the medical license organizations for the state.
Hope this helps.
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
Are you kidding me! How is my offering info on looking for a D.O. being a REACTIONARY. We gave you helpful info, which was by your own post, your wanting to know how to spell a docs name for licensing info. Where in your post did you state that you were looking for her full name to see if she went to school with your sister? Maybe you need to re-read your post and not be so reactionary yourself. We are all here to support one another, not yell and over-react.
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
I would have sent you a PM but your profile does not allow for that.
Just in case you did not know, when you use ALL CAPS, its yelling. I over reacted to your reply and I should have let it go. I felt as if I was offering you and others the info to look for a DO. I thought it nasty of you to respond to my post that way. So now, maybe you could look deep into your heart and find out why you felt the need to react so poorly to the replies. How is telling you where to look for licensing info for a DO, reactionary? How is offering an opinion of a person, reactionary?
I think when you saw the post praising the doctor and how Dr Blackstone would never use a doc that wasn't awesome like her, made you upset that people were thinking you were questioning her doctor skills. We know that is not what you intended, yet you over reacted and lashed out rather than just move on. You came asking for help, for whatever reason you did not like the replies. You could have better served us all better by stating from the start that you were looking to see if she went to school with your sister.
This board is here to help people like us, help ourselves and others to get thru this difficult time. We do not need yelling and fighting here.
We all need support and would hate for anyone to feel afraid to post a question or a comment because someone may get upset by it.
Now, lets put this one to rest and move on. We have tons of other things to worry about!
Let us all know how the fill goes and if it helps. If you need any help with your band issues please feel free to email me.
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
Banded 12/15/05
At goal-7/14/06
Total Loss-140 pounds
Hey there friend!
All mean well. No one's reading anything wrong.....just responding with helpful replies. I think it's a big ol misunderstanding. .
How bout we all have some sugar free kisses and be done with it!!!!
We all need YOU and my guess is you can use us on your most amazing journey!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &