
M. clarke
on 11/10/07 5:57 am
Thank you! You too!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/10/07 8:33 am - AZ
Hi Melissa congats on your one year. I know mine is coming up too and I am trying to make it to my goal of 160...8 lbs to go, but I want to go 10lbs beyond that. The last lbs are sooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!! but glad to see you are doing well, keep up the good work girl. Take care, Erin
M. clarke
on 11/11/07 10:01 am
Erin, Thank you! Your halloween picture looks fantastic!!!!! Looks like these last 45 pounds are just going to be stubborn coming off.  I'm at my wits end. I'm  exercising to the point of getting exertion migraines, and it really isn't worth that. So I am just going to ease off and let it be what it is. If it takes 2 more years to take off the rest of the weight then thats what it takes. You look so great!!!! You have to feel wonderful :) Can you believe your coming up on a year already? it's it amazing how fast the time has gone. Seems like we were just combating surgery scheudules, strictures and other post surgery drama, and here we all are a year out already!
(deactivated member)
on 11/11/07 10:20 am - AZ
Melissa thank you so much, yes I do feel pretty good. I know I can hardly believe that my one year is almost here. That's why I want to make it to goal. So I can go in there and Randy can say" Well I see you are at goal!!" But even if I don't I am pretty darn close.  You how many calories are you eating, sometimes if you are doing like 800-1000 a day it is too little, so maybe try an up that to 1200, and that can spark a loss.  on the opposite are you consuming too many calories?, I know I have had days where I was like 1500 from snacking. I have done the plateau buster to break a plateau and it worked. I also did the 5 day pouch test, which I am doing again tommorrow, the 1st 2 days is liquids and it really gets rid of the bloat.  I'm crazy I was stressing about my pouch being too big, I ate a lean quisine that was 9oz so I did the cottage cheese test this morning.My pouch is 6-7oz so I am ok with that, I really have good connections with my Dec06 group, we have some great postings and we really support each other, check it out you are pretty close to that date.  Well take care and keep trying, you look wonderful!!! Hugs, Erin
on 11/11/07 12:54 pm - AZ
What is a  cottage  cheese test?  How does it tell you the size of your pouch? thanks Ann

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 3:46 am - AZ
Hi Ann, yes it does I measured out 4 oz and 2 oz and another 2 oz.. Or you can measure out 8 oz and eat until you are full then measure out the remaing CC and thats the size of your pouch.  I was at about 7oz, I ate 8oz and was uncomfortably full , so 6-7 oz is better for me.... Good luck..Erin
M. clarke
on 11/12/07 9:04 am
I just looked it up on OH and there is actually a lot of information on this test! Thanks for the heads up on this Erin! I'm going to do this.
M. clarke
on 11/12/07 9:08 am
Oh, and better yet it says if you don't like cottage cheese, you can use oatmeal instead. :)  I will do it in the morning!
M. clarke
on 11/12/07 8:58 am
I had never heard of the cottage cheese test. I really don't like cottage cheese so not sure If I could really stand to eat 7 ounces of cottage cheese to see how big my stomach is but it might be worth it to see where I stand. Sometimes I think my stomach has gotten to big, but other times I eat just a little big and am stuffed so I think it is okay. Do you know what is ideal for ounces on this cottage cheese test at one year out? Meaning how many ounces we should be at?
on 11/12/07 11:47 am - Maricopa, AZ

I'm interested in this as well.  I used to be big on Oatmeal, but since surgery, carbs really don't sit well with me.  I guess I'll try cottage cheese and see how I do.  Does adding fruit to it alter the results?  I am eager to see what I can hold now, that for sure!

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