need some advice maybe some scolding!!!
It depends on which vitamin you are short on. My favorite is a shortage of B-12 which will give you the same symptoms as someone with Alzhimer's. And best of is NOT reversible!! Your B-12 must be for LIFE and we can only absorb the sublingual type. My favorite are the Trader Joe's brand because they are TINY and desolve within a minute.
You really CAN NOT play these games with your health. You will end up killing yourself far sooner than you would have with obesity.
Now get with the program!
We really do care about you!

Hey there US AF Wife and Mommy!
You've got a big title to live up to and need to love yourself enough to make a plan for YOU!
Don't beat yourself up; just take the baby step towards a better routine.
Some things that have helped me is to set myself up a vitamin center in my vanity area. I take mental inventory as I go and as any of my supplements get low then I add them to my shopping list or order them on-line immediately. I take a water bottle with me every time I make a trip from the kitchen to the bedroom so I have one to sip next to the bed and so I can chug down my vitamins morning and night.
I keep my protein jugs and sugar free syrups on my kitchen counter (y'know...where the cookie jar used to hang out!).....I have bought my special protein friendly mugs that make sipping the hot chocolate protein a treat and tall clear glasses that make me feel like I've got a cold milkshake with the cold shakes.
I grab 4 water bottles every morning and once those are gone (they go fast when you pack them around)....I can add Crsytal light mixes to my remaining drinking for the day.
For exercise....take those kiddies to the park and go up and down the slide with them! Try sprinting from the laundry room to the backrooms to gather up dirty socks and such. Have the kids sit on your feet while you do crunches. Put on an exercise video with dancing (Richard Simmons sweatin to the oldies is a hoot!) and let those kids wiggle with you. They'll be ready for a nap and you'll have an energy surge!
Take baby steps! None of us can be perfect every day but if we "fail to plan then we plan to fail". Don't mess with your kid's mommy and your hubby's wife! She is too important!!!!
High Fives for reaching out! That's the first step!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &