One Week Post Surgery

on 10/26/07 6:40 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hello Everyone, My surgery is over and I'm healing.....The protein drinks are gross....I don't know what to do...I have been forcing myself to drink anyone experiencing gas with the protein drinks?   I'm still in some pain so I'm still taking the hypercodiene to ease the pain so I can sleep at night.   My stay at St Lukes was very good.  The nurses and aides were very nice.  They left me alone and I was able to take my walks on my own.  They were prompt with the meds and water.  My only reget  is that they didn't put me in the same room with another WLS so we could have had something in common.  Oh well...glad it's over....wish I could stand the protein drinks.... Regards, Candy
M. clarke
on 10/26/07 9:27 am
Congrats Candy! Welcome to the losing side :) Protein drinks are pretty gross, no getting around that. I found after surgery that my taste changed from week to week. What was good one week, was bad the next, what was bad one week was okay the next and back and forth. Goes hand and hand with the bad taste in mouth and such. I recommend the profect. They are about the worst tasting; however you get the most protein in the smallest amount. 25 g protein in 3 ounces. I still use them when I need to kick up my protein for the day. Directly after surgery I also used the Isopure. I couldn't tolerate anything milky so Isopure went down nicely. Well as nicely as a protein drink could go down :) Remember the more protein you drink now, the less hair you will lose! Your body is starving for protein so it is cutting your hairs protein supply off, thus killing it. So this is the critical time right now to kick up your protein and try to save your hair! It doesn't show until month 2 or 3  after surgery because that is how long it takes the hair to fall out after it dies. That was one thing I used as inspiration to get those drinks down. I didn't want to lose my hair :) Sleeping was hard for me for a while after the surgery. I found that packing pillows around me so I didn't move around so much helped me get a better sleep. Also a heating pad was a life saver for me. No shame in taking the pain pills if you need them! Congrats again!
on 10/26/07 3:11 pm - Tolleson, AZ
Hey just gave me a wake up call with regards to hair. I'm drinking them... I saw Dr. Juarez today and he told me I could start purees.  I was a bit skeptical, though...I think I will remain on the liquid until next week.  ... Thanks for the info.... Candy.. .It really helps to talk with people..
on 10/26/07 3:17 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Try the New Whey Protein bullets from  I believe they have 40 gm protein in 3.1 oz, taste like jello, and go down easy!  Best of luck to you!
on 10/29/07 11:56 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hello Everyone, I'm 10 days post surgery now.  I'm doing good....I'm feeling pinches in my stomach while trying to sleep on my sides, is that normal?  I'm trying not to do much around the house and just walking.   I'm going to purchase the new whey product and see if I can keep that protein down. Thanks all, Candy
on 10/29/07 2:00 pm - Maricopa, AZ

Yes, it's normal. I think I felt it for a week or two. It's just cuz it's sensitive where you had your incisions. As long as it is more uncomfortable vs painful then you are probably ok. But if it doesn't subside, then you might want to check with your Dr.


                     laughter is the key to life     

on 10/30/07 9:06 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hey JustCuz, Thanks for the info.  I was reading your blog!!  Congratulations on your progressing weight loss.  Please add me as your friend list.  I'll get a photo on soon.  Between the pinches in my stomach and the affects of the protein drinks (gas), I'm doing ok.  I'm fighting the  impulse to work around the house because I know I'll feel the affects at night.  I still depend on the pain killer to get some rest at night.   My mother came to stay with me from Seattle so she has been helping with the things that bug the heck out of and some cooking.....I would let her bring my shakes to me, but, I think it's better for me to get those....that way I can tweak them however I feel for the day....It's hard to get them down.... Take care, Candy
M. clarke
on 10/30/07 11:10 am
Candy, I couldn't sleep on my side for months. It was was very painful the first few weeks, sore for the first month. And uncomfortable for about 6 months. It wasn't "painful" for 6 months, but it was uncomfortable. Sorta like a cramp or a knot. And it would wake me up from my sleep if I rolled over onto that side, or tried to sleep on that side. So to answer the question, yes your pain sounds normal :) Try sleeping with pillows tucked around you to keep you from moving around to much. I found that helped me to get a few good hours of sleep at first. I also found sleeping a little bit propped up that first week was more comfortable then laying down. Even laying in bed I propped some pillows underneath me so I was tilted up. You might find that a little more comfortable then trying to lay flat in bed. You will feel better very soon. The first week is the worst. Each day you will feel 100% better then the day before :)
on 11/22/07 7:36 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hello, It's 5 weeks post op for me now.  I still am experiencing soreness on the my left side.I find I can't sit up straight for long periods of time because of that soreness nor can I wear certain pants.  I'm still taking the codiene to sleep at night.  I have to rest so I can function during the day.  I'll be going back to work in 2 weeks.  Since I'm in the computer field, I have to sleep so I can make decisions and I have to be able to sit in my chair for long periods of time. Not too mention figuring out how to pack my breakfast, lunch and dinner for work.   I work 12 hour days in front of a computer. Luckily it's only 3 and 4 days every other week.   I will be seeing Dr. Juarez on Monday to get released.   If anyone has any suggestions on how to pack food for work, please give me your feedback.  I was thinking of little containers that hold 4 ounces of food and a shaker for my protein drinks since the protein can be mixed with cold water instead of the soy milk.  I can also take those New Whey Bullets with me. Today is Thanksgiving.  I did very well and only ate 4 ounces of food.  I wish you all a very nice Thanksgiving.   Cassi, hope you are out of the hospital and doing good.  I'm anxious to hear how things went... Regards, Candy
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 11/22/07 8:06 am - Tucson, AZ


I was eating soft foods at this point and I would take deli meats with string cheese or tuna salad or soups for my lunch.  I too took the protein bullets or powders for my breakfast.  It got easier as time went on.  Sounds like you are doing great.   I would be concerned that you are still having pain at 5 weeks out and still taking pain meds.  Dr. Juarez gave me ambien which helped me sleep at night.  I would call him and let them know about your pain and maybe request the Ambien for sleep.



Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

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