CONFIRMED: Dr. Hilario Juarez has no representation with Dr. Villares at Good Sam
Dr. Hilario Juarez had been mentioned because, while the presentation had been given by Dr. Villares, he was said to be in representation for both surgeons operating through that hospital.
I spoke with my surgeon Dr. Hilario this afternoon. I informed him of the post this week that had been an area of concern to me. He informed me that he is in no way working with Dr. Villares. They are two surgeons doing different WLS's in the same hospital. They have nothing to do with eachother. Dr. Juarez does know Dr. Villares professionally. That is it. I also called Good Sam before speaking with Dr. Juarez, they as well informed me that the two surgeons do not work hand in hand.
It is vital that we who post on this site to give info to other memebers have the right info and have backed it up with fact. Not doing so can upset a surgeon's identity and livelihood .
I have had many pm's that agree with my thoughts on the past post this week. This is why Im posting my findings tonight . I would do this even if Dr. J was not my surgeon.
Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
Husband's Best Friend
~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~
When the seminar I attended began it was clearly stated that the seminar was for patients of both surgeons. I was only there in support of a friend so I don't know why or how that came to be, but that's what was said. If the surgeons conduct their own seminars separately this particular saturday morning was an exception.
They are associated with Banner's Bariatric program, but Dr Villares and Dr Juarez do not work out of the same office. Many people make that mistake...I did. But when I called for a consult with all three surgeons I was given a different number and office for Dr Villares but the same info for Dr Juarez and Fang. I know it's a bit confusing because they all do the seminars for Good Sam but they just participate as surgeons in the program they do NOT have the same office. Hope that helps.