Glallbladder and how smart I am?

on 10/14/07 2:01 am - PHOENIX, AZ

Had my surgery over 9 months ago. Before my surgery my doctor advised me to allow him to also remove my glallbladder. Not really wanting two major surgeries at one time I decided against it. (Since I knew better). He was pretty adament but NO I was firm. How smart I was. NOW 9 months later I have just returned home from the hospital after a 5 day stay. Yep 5 days. I went to the Mayo hospital with sever stomach cramps. I thought it was stress. Within 5 hours I was in surgery. My glallbladder was inflamed, enlarged, and had so many stones they stopped counting. A 24 hour stay turned into 5 because the infection was so sever. They even had to make a bigger incision to get the enlarged bladder out.  All of this could have been avoided. My doctors stated they are seeing numerous people come in after gastric bypass surgery for glall bladder problems. A word to the wise (since that does not include me) Ask about your glallbladder before surgery. Don't be an idiot like me and end up suffering some very painful consequences. Pam

on 10/14/07 6:20 am - AZ
Pam Im so sorry, I hope you'll start feeling better. We have the same Dr. . I asked him about this subject and he said on 20% of persons having WLS really need to have it removed. He did not want to remove mine. I dont think you not smart! U where concerned. U are human! Again I hope u start feeling better.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 10/14/07 2:42 pm - Maricopa, AZ

I lucked out, I had my gallbladder our 2 years prior.    :-)

                     laughter is the key to life     

Nicole W.
on 10/14/07 3:54 pm - Cave Creek, AZ

Pam,  I know your pain... had my gallbladder attack the afternoon I had my 9 month check up!  Ended up in the ER that night. Had it removed 3 weeks later.  It was extremely painful, it sucked to be frank!

Hope you are feeling better soon!


PS, dont try salads for a while.  :)


on 10/14/07 11:22 pm - mesa, AZ
Nicole  the salad issue ??  Is that why I get sick from salads now ?? if I eat more that 4 bites - watch out !!!
Nicole W.
on 10/15/07 3:56 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hmmmm... don't know.  A week after having my gallbladder out, I had a salad an 45 minute later I was in the bathroom with the runs.  Same thing 2 weeks later.  Now I am fine... have no problems with salads.  Maybe it is something on the salad, dressing?   Take some immodium! 


on 10/15/07 11:56 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Nicole: How long before your stomach began to feel normal? Even yogurt this morning made my stomach nervous.  Thanks Pam
Nicole W.
on 10/16/07 3:29 am - Cave Creek, AZ
About 3 weeks... it gets better each day.  Tunafish was always something safe to eat.


on 10/14/07 9:10 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I am hearing from others that 9 months to the first year seems to be very common when the glallbladder starts to act up and has to go. I also agree the glallbladder was much worse then the wls. It may be the pain or whatever but its not a happy time. Pam
on 10/14/07 11:55 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I'm so sorry you ended up with the additional surgery.  My surgeon does an ultra sound before surgery and can then tell you if you have a gallbladder full of stones (as I did).  That made the answer easy for me...take that sucker out.  When they got in, it was infected and absolutely full of stones.  I feel so fortunate I didn't have an attack before surgery that would have meant having surgery at my highest weight!  One good will never miss it!
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