2 years out this month!!!!
Hi everybody!
I had my surgery Oct. 28th -- 2005.
I've lost 180 pounds -- now I'm down to 140!!! I'm hot!! I'm hot! :)
I'm having the time of my life. I'll be updating my page soon so you can see the new me. This is happening or WILL happen to you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is great now. But I do find I compare myself to other people quite a bit and am surprised to find out they weigh more than me. My head is still catching up to the losses!
Best wishes to all,
Sheryl Tilley - 380/204/160 - October 28th, 2005 - Thank you God; my handsome PCP Dr. Rejiv Jetley in Prescott Valley, Arizona; my knowledgeable and talented surgeon Dr. Hilario Juarez in Phoenix, Arizona; and all my wonderful and amazing friends on this website that got me to this point. You all saved my life.

Hi Sheryl-
It is so nice to hear from you 2 years out! We newbies can use the reinforcement and encouragement during the more difficult first few months. Even though we see the weight dropping, it's kind of hard to believe that we, too, can and will be where you are (the "hot" spot).
Thanks and congratulations on a battle well-fought!
Hey there "HOT" "HOT" "HOT"! Sheryl!
I totally missed your post but was delighted to see your pretty pic when scrolling through the recent messages! Congratulations to you on your fantastic success!
Are you joining us at at the Phoenix event?????
Hope to see you soon!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010
www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com