???WaTeR GiRgLiNg Sounds WEIRD???????

on 10/9/07 2:35 am - Chandler, AZ

Ok, I've had several fill and done just fine but this last one I got yesterday I think might be a super tight one.  Has anyone felt that girgling feeling when you drink water?  I know I've heard people talk about it but how long did you feel it and is that a good sign or a bad sign.  I haven't eaten solids and I won't until 3:00 this afternoon and I'm a little nervous now since water feels like it's dripping through an IV.  I'm starving though and can't wait to eat something.  Normally I'm not that hungry after a fill but this time I feel like I want to vomit because of hunger pains.   I haven't lost any weight in almost 4 months and frankly if this makes me stop stuffing my face then I'm all for the weird sinsation.  Maybe I was never at a great fill before.....  Let me know if anyone else has this girgling with liquids and if you think this is a good thing that means your at a good fill or what??????? Renee'

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself." Henry Ward Beecher  
314/282/156.4/135 (Heaviest/Pre-Op/Current/GOAL) 
Total lost since Banded on August 14th, 2006 "-125.6" pounds  
Total lost since 8/05 "-157.6" pounds

on 10/9/07 4:20 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Renee! I was so happy to see your post...was wondering where you have been!!! I am struggling too...since they had to do that last unfill i am kinda where i was before...it is frustrating to say the least...I put a post on Dr. S site this morning,...I really need to go to the next support group meeting but dont want to have to get weighed in if i choose not to...especially since the meetings are at night...i really need to be there though...have thought of maybe just emptying the band out for awhile and seeing how i do...i am afraid of that but on the other hand if the scale isnt moving anyways it might be a choice i make...i am just not sure what to do...I am sorry you are at a stand still too...i know how that feels...It just seems like i need to stay between 900-1000 calories now to lose and i  cant seem to do that...there are some things i need to get back to doing so maybe i will pull myself together and get back to work!!! I hope things start getting better for you. I have had the feeling you are talking about...it has been when I have been too tight though....hopefully that is not the case with you...that feeling for me is like water going doing a drain....slowly....and then kinda dropping in....be careful eating....tiny bites and slow especially until you see what this fill is doing for you.... Let me know how you are.... LuAnne
on 10/9/07 6:45 am - Chandler, AZ

Hi Luanne,

I guess  when I wasn't losing I decided to run and hide and that didn't help me much either because I stayed the same weight and tried new junk foods that would go down smoothly.  Anywway I'm sick and tired of being where I felt I was in the beginning.  IT's amazing how even though you lose a ton of weight your body gets used to it and then you feel fat and huge all over again.  I didn't think he would give me a fill yesterday but he said I needed one.  I was a little worried last night and up until an hour ago because it seemed like it was hard to have the water go down but I had a cheese string and 2 of those fish sticks from Costco we were talking about and those were just fine.  It's been almost two hours later and I feel like I ate a Buffalo or something.  Man it's nice to feel satisfied on such a small amount of food.  I say this everytime but this one might get me below my 200 pound marker if I promise to obide by the rules of the band. 

You'll have to call me sometime and we'll make arrangements to go to the meeting next week.  I know theirs one in Chandler tonight but frankly I'm not much up to it today.  All I can say to the banders out there is this band will work if you make it work and you CAN cheat the band and not lose if you are in denial of how much you snack or drink between meals.  I think I need to tattoo it to my hand before I go reaching in the cubboard for junk.  I will always say this is a learning experience and I don't think I'll ever be a pro but at least I'm trying yet again.  Oh, and I thought I had another hernia up by my left rib cage but he says he thinks it's just the tubing that slipped over my ribs.  He's going to fix that when he fixes my hernia in the next six months. 

Take care,


"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself." Henry Ward Beecher  
314/282/156.4/135 (Heaviest/Pre-Op/Current/GOAL) 
Total lost since Banded on August 14th, 2006 "-125.6" pounds  
Total lost since 8/05 "-157.6" pounds

on 10/9/07 10:53 am - Chandler, AZ

Renee, I know how you feel about running and hiding....i want so much to complete this journey...it has been such a rough ride with situations in it that i thought would never happen to me...but the only one that can do this for me is ME!!! I know that...maybe that is what i need to tattoo on my hand!!!  I hope this fill works for you...I dont know what i need right now...like Candi said i need a band wrapped around my head....LOL...that wouldnt hurt me...i do hope they stop making it mandatory to weigh in at support group because i want to go back.... I will be going to the Chandler one on October 23...i think that is the date...a friend of mine and her hubby are the speakers and i think i will get alot out of listenning to them...they have both had the band and have done wonderful!!! I need to hear from them about now...LOL... Let me know how you are doing Renee...I do feel like you do though...you lose a nice amt of weight and then your body settles and the weight loss stops and you feel fat again...its terrible huh that we  base so much of our lives on this...but on the other hand it is so important that we took the measure to have surgery...for me i have had 3 now...i know it means alot to me....just have to fix me and go on....I am glad you are getting your hernia fixed...u will feel better after that...and you will for sure be under 200 when that sucker is gone...haha...and the tubing thing...that sounds interesting and kinda weird...when so you think you will have the surgery done???

Take care and hope to see u soon....LuAnne

Candi Y.
on 10/9/07 9:10 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Strangers.... Long Time Renee & Luanne, great to hear and see posts from you guys, OK I'm gonna join in..  I know I'm a newbie to this compared to you both, but we still all have the same FRUSTRATIONS!  Renee when I was to tight I had that liquid sound, but I could NOT eat anything solid, so if you've eaten solids and it worked, then you might just be gulping to much.  I'm a gulper and dont know if I'll ever learne to SIP, but DOc describe it like a funnel and it you pour to much into the funnel, it overflows, so try sipping and if your gettinf solids down your probably A-OK!!  Luanne, I know you've gone through so much and I totally feel for you, I know with me the last few weeks has been ME, I dont blame my band I blame myself because I'm grabbing the JUNK too and Im that sick that I know what junk foods work..  Its like CRAZY,  I so feel I have wasted 3 full weeks and I know how I feel but yet I'll still eat ****!?!?!?!?!?  How do we fix that??  I wake up ith all good intension of making it a LOOSING day and somewhere along the line get thrown off track.  I too was going to go to Doc's support meeting tonight, but I just got home from work, 4pm and I'd need to spend $50 in gas and leave like NOW and a part of me wants to and then theres that lazy part and broke part.  I think I'm just in a slump and somehow just need a KICK IN THE ASS. Thanks for listening, I'm sure I was no help at all to you guys!  Just saw people I feel comfortable writing too!  Thanks for listening Ladies.....  Somehow we all need a KICK uhhhh, maybe you got yours Renee!  Good Luck and keep us posted!
on 10/9/07 10:59 am - Chandler, AZ
Hey Candi, Good to hear from you...i hope all is going well with you...sounds like you are hitting some of the same frustrations we all do...i need that band around my head too...LOL...maybe we could talk to Dr S about that???!!! I am hoping they stop making you weigh in at the meetings...when you are struggling it is not the thing you want to do but that is when you need the support...seems kinda crazy if they really thought about it...i think they lose people coming to them for this reason...you would think they would consider that....when i first started going you didnt have to weigh in...so hopefully they will go back to that...and make it by choice.... I am in a slump too...i need to buckle down and get back to work...journal and drink more water and back to the gym as well.... Let me know how you are.... LuAnne
on 10/10/07 8:03 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi ladies, Ok, my girgling is still there but isn't freaking me out as much and I'm able to eat food.  I was soooo nervous yesterday but I didn't have any problems.  I ate a small amount what I was suppose to and stopped and walked my fat butt away.  Within 30 minutes I felt like I ate a buffalo or the entire buffet line in Vegas.  I was so excited to finally feel that complete satisfied feeling because it has seemed like so long ago.  I actually feel as if I did in the first few feels and I was beginning to think I was crazy because I was never feeling it again.  Don't let you time pass waking up and wanted to stop eating the junk but caving in.  I did that and it lasted for almost 4 months and I never lost any wieght.  I know it was all the choices I was eating and I started to nibble and snack instead of sitting down and eating a meal and walking away.  I used to set the timer for my water and meals but I stopped and so I decided I needed to restart that so I'm on day 2 and it's going great so far.  Of course I always think my fills are just what I need then a few weeks later I get discouraged but I truly feel that this one is definitely one that I needed.   The scale is moving slowly and I noticed that I can eat way less and feel completely satisfied so don't give up.  Water for some reason is hard for me to drink but just because I want to chug it and I physically can't right now.  Plus when I was first banded cold water bugged me and then for months I could gulp it.  Now with this fill I can't drink super cold water again so I know I'm where I should be for me.  I have been at 200-204 since May and damn-it I will be 199 by this next week becuase I will make those choices to follow the band rules.  I have learned that the band works if you FOLLOW the rules!!!!  You CAN cheat the band!!!  And I was never a soft food or sweet eater but learned that if I wanted to cheat that's what was working and I did it under stress. I'm an emotional eater.  I went out and bought a couple of books and they're giving me encouragement once again.  I bought the Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Khaliah Ali "Fighting Weight".   Sorry so long!!! See what happens when I get remotivated I post.  Candi trust me when I say DON'T Do IT!! Step away from the crap and focus on what you were doing.  Don't let time pass you by.  Make new rules or go back and remember what you were doing before you started to look for junk.  Maybe you need a little fill.  I didn't think I needed a fill but Dr. Simpson told me YES you need one and I now know again he's always right for me.   LuAnne don't give up you will find that sweet spot again.  Unlike you I don't PB or slime so I'm not sure how to help you.  I think you need to measure some food eat it and walk away.  I know if I sit at a table I can continue to try to stuff it in even when I'm full to the point I'll be sick.  I think the full feeling should be a delayed reaction by about 30-60 minutes and then last for hours.  I know you went through a period where you couldn't eat and that's not good.  I think we three need to band together and get nasty if one of us fall off the wagon.  I cna't do good when my husband is telling me it's ok to eat some chocolate.  I told him he needs to pin me down and take it from me.  I need someone who will stand there and tell me I'm doing something wrong or I might just keep doing it.  I wasted 4 months and now I'm offically pissed at myself.  Candi pm me and I'll give you my phone number and my home email I'm all up for daily support if you guys are.  Call me!! Good luck, Renee'

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you, never excuse yourself." Henry Ward Beecher  
314/282/156.4/135 (Heaviest/Pre-Op/Current/GOAL) 
Total lost since Banded on August 14th, 2006 "-125.6" pounds  
Total lost since 8/05 "-157.6" pounds

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