Big News!

Lori M.
on 10/1/07 1:56 pm - Queen Creek, AZ
I found out today that my surgery has been rescheduled! Crazy thing is... it's been rescheduled to 10/23! I've got so much going on in my brain right now. Making sure I have all these mandatory tests done prior to my preop appt... making sure to get everything approved for my time off work... and most of all... have I lost any weight yet?!! Did anyone have this issue with you got a date and then got a date that was WAY closer and you hadn't lost your target weight? or haven't lost any at all? or god for bid.... gained!! I haven't been on a scale since probably Aug. and I was down 11... but when I found out my surgery date was Feb. to be honest I hadn't been doin' as good.  I'm afraid to find out what it's going to say. Any thoughts?!!  My mind is spinning!
on 10/1/07 2:02 pm - mesa, AZ
Yes !!! get on track now! , nothing will upset Dr Blackstone off more than if you come back to her heavier than  your last appt !!  this shows her you are not commited, I suggest you try atkins or Southbeach  diet and start right now !! you may not hit the 10% target loss - but as long as you show her you are loosing - thats what counts !! She is an awesome Dr .. But you need to loose weight so she can get the best possible results for you !!! The preop tests are not bad , - If I survived them - you can too !
M. clarke
on 10/1/07 2:18 pm
Lori, I gained before my appointment. I was scared also of what Dr. Blackstone was going to say. She wasn't thrilled, but she was understanding. I had went through some very emotional times in the few months before my surgery and did some emotional eating. So yes, it does happen. I had weighed in May, and then things happened in June in my personal life which put the surgery off for me. I didn't end up having it until November. By then I had gained weight. So In October (a month before my surgery)  my therapist notate where my weight was (her idea) so that Dr. Blackstone could confirm with her that I wasn't continuing to gain. I let Dr. Blackstone know of the things that had happened, and I was just very honest that it was an seriously emotional time, but that I had worked with my therapist on it, and had things under control. She will be upset if you gained, but she will be understanding also if you have good reason. She has a good heart. Just be honest with her. She will want to know though that you have things under control and are ready to be serious. Don't stress yourself over it though. We all know stress just adds to more weight gain! :) Take good care of yourself, and just be excited that your date is so close!!!
on 10/1/07 2:20 pm - AZ
I was a self pay so I didnt have that issue. I did get down about 14 pound in a VERY short amount of time. This is how. My last week I think I put on a couple of pounds as I did eat a few meals I thought I could not leave without. lol You can. Its easier then you think. No pop's ~ DR Pepper and such 8 to 10 glasses of water a day..  Walk, WALK and WALK! I cut my meals in 1/2 of what I would eat ALL THE TIME.  And here is what I KNOW helped me.... Drinking PROTEIN at least once a day, mine was in the morning. Sometimes I would have two. All of this has helped me after WLS. I had mine Sept 25th and I FEEL GREAT... Okay a little sore but great. If can think of anything else I will post!  Your date will be here before u know it!

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

M. clarke
on 10/1/07 2:25 pm
p.s. I was also worried about the surgery and the weight gain. The reason for the weight loss is to make your liver less fatty, less complications, easier surgery, better healing etc etc....  She told me I was the best surgery of the day, my insides were in perfect condition, and it was a text book surgery. So yes it does make for a better surgery to lose the weight, but it doesn't absolutely mean the end of the world if you haven't. I only tell you this so you don't freak out and stress yourself out about it like I did. I believe a healthy state of mind is really important also, and with your surgery being so close it is important that you not stress to much about it. Do what you can to lose what you can, but don't beat yourself up over it. Dr. Blackstones tip to me at the presurgery appointment was cut out anything white.. like sugar, bread,, pasta etc and you will drop weight before the surgery. Great luck to you! And remember to take care of your mind as well as your body over the next few months :)
Lori M.
on 10/1/07 2:33 pm - Queen Creek, AZ
Thanks so much everyone!!  I am starting to feel ok about this and I have a little bit of time to lose some more weight!
Nicole W.
on 10/1/07 4:15 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
WOW!!! Good for you!   When is your pre-op class?  You will get tons of info then that will help ease your way into things. To help lose your 10% in the next few weeks, cut out the fast food, stop the soda, slowly cut off the caffefine and stop eating "white" foods like refined sugars, pasta, rice, etc.  I didn't lose my  weight for the pre-op visit, but lost 18lbs from then to my day of surgery...  and it was stopping the soda, fast food, pasta, etc and I was doing the mindful eating... just eating for the 20 minutes, no****ching TV, talking, reading. So happy for you... you must be so excited to have this surgery so much earilier.  Did they say why you got bumped up? ~Nicole


on 10/2/07 3:08 am - Glendale, AZ
Wow Lori that's great. We were just talking about that huh? You give me hope. Congratualtions! That is so cool. It's the day after my sons birthday so I will totally remember. Keep me updated.
}i{ Julie
Lori M.
on 10/2/07 10:20 am - Queen Creek, AZ
Nicole, My pre-op class is on 10/10.  And my pre-op appointment is on 10/15. I think I am definitely going to go that route.  I have been playing with idea's of losing the weight and I think that cutting out the "white" foods is the best idea.  Someone else said that too last night and I thought it was a good idea.  Today I tried drinking slim-fast shakes and I had some pretzels.  Man was I sleepy!! I am going to have a good non "white-food" dinner and start going that route.  I'm going to really cut down my portions and hope for the best. I have a doctor's appointment to get the rest of my tests done on Thursday so I should atleast be able to get an idea of where I am weight wise. I initially had called to ask about being bumped up because my insurance told me if i have the surgery after Jan 1st that I would have to start the whole approval process over again.  I was also worried because my company is having open enrollment this month and if they decide to not elect to cover the surgery anymore... I'd be outta luck because the changes would go into effect Jan 1st. I'd say it's been about 3 weeks since I called the girl in scheduling and she called me yesterday to say they had a cancellation. Bummer though I found out last night... my husband's co-worker is going out of town that week and My husband will probably not be able to have my surgery date off.  It was really something that I wanted to be able to have him there for... but I will have lots of other family and it's just a whole lot of waiting it sounds like anyway.  So of course I am sad.. but he'll get to come see me afterwards.
on 10/2/07 10:49 am - Glendale, AZ
Who is your scheduling person?
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