Looking for Support Group or friends near Luke AFB
I have been in AZ for almost 2 years now and still do not know anyone. I am awaiting a surgery date as of right now. I woul dlike to find some type of support besides my husband. Don't get me wrong he is very support but never been big in his life so he has no clue what I am going thorugh. It would be nice to have someone to call or email with or even meet with from time to time. I do have a 14 month old daughter , if anyone would be interested in support as well as a playdate. I need some communication here before I burst at the seams. LOL
Meet all of us at once!!!!
Come to the Walk from Obesity on the 6th of October!
Come to the Obesity Help National Event at the Squaw Peak Resort!!!! THREE FUN filled days with oodles of people just waiting to become your new support pals and bestest buds!!!
Just click on their yellow and green banner at the top right (after it flips through the Fairfax, Virginia one)
Hope to meet you soon! Glad you came out of your 2 year closet!!!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010
www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com