fill four days ago and feel nothing????Help!!
I am not sure what is going on but I had my first fill and went well but I feel no different..I think I have a 4cc band and 2 cc is it. The doc says that is a good amount and I cant get a fill before 4-6 weeks..Help!! I cant feel this way for that long..I am getting hungry and just want to eat and pick. I have been doing very well but I guess I am not sure what I should feel. I know I need to have patience but it is hard when your working so hard and seeing no results..Maybe I need some suggestions on what exactly to eat and how much?
thanks everyone
Also sorry I missed meeting but I had no before or after pics yet.

Hey Cutie Patootie!
What does Dr. Schlesinger say about it?
Y'know that many adjustments have delayed reaction. Some hit right away. Some hit a couple of weeks later. All require a minute for your body to geet used to.
Many lapbanders are looking for Thanksgiving dinner stuffedf with a couple of bites of cottage cheese and expect projectile vomitting with the 3rd bite. Part of the Post-op journey for bandsters is learning to feel satisfied instead of sick/stuffed.
Remember....just because we CAN eat more does not mean we should. Try to find your satisfaction point. Waterload so you are well hydrated before you eat and do NOT drink during your meal and for at least 30 minutes afterwards.
Finding the sweet spot sometimes takes a few adjustments and early lapbanders often take some mental training to learn what the new "full" means to them. Let the band be your friend and give it time to settle into it's groove (literally). Don't push the journey before your band is ready to handle more adjustments.
Hugggzzz to you! You have done sooooo very well! You can hang in there.....try to use this time to kick it up a notch with the exercise. and introduce balance to your program!
Talk to your doc! Ask Sue to send you the 101 things to know about the lapband. It's a great list!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &
Hey Kelly, Sorry I've been out of the loop a bit, went away. Hang in there girlfriend, my first fill did really nothing, my second took almost a week, had am restriction, then my 3rd WHAM! It is really alot of work on our part in the begining and we can do it, most of us have done it before. We hatw the fact that we have to do, but we really do. I am at the point that we have found my sweetspot and providing I keep moving and watch my calorie intake I've been a big loser! :) Its not easy girlfriend, TRUST ME, hang in there, give it 110% and soon your tool with be there to help you! Hang in there!