Sharing with loved ones

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &
My DW and I had RNY procedures done in March of this year. Some of our family members were "less than supportive" of our decisions. Most of these family members have changed their perspectives/minds as they've seen the dramatically positive changes our surgeries have made in our lives within such a short period of time. They've watched me lose the c-pap and sleep apnea after 2 months, and seen first hand our energy increase and look younger and healthier. It is amazing to watch someone take control of their life, and achieve such VISIBLE results. We had to tell one negative family member that we'd done our homework, we prayed about it, and felt good about it, and let her know that what we really needed was POSITIVE support in the decision we had already made including prayers in our behalf as we went through the surgery. I think this helped her to realize we respected her even though we had made a decision she didn't agree with, and wanted her support in the process. We then regularly kept her updated on how we were doing post-surgery. I think she felt a part of the process, and we grew closer through the process. --Dave 350/210/205