I have just finished (well not quite) my bowel prep for surgery tomorrow. Less then 12 hours away. I haven't had a minute to even think about it which I guess is good. My mom has been in the hospital since last monday and now at the rehab center. It's all about her lungs which will not get any better. She is on the decline and I honestly don't know from minute to minute what to think. My oldest sister came in yesterday from PA. She is supposed to be going on a cruise next saturday. No one knows what to think, one minute you think she may not be getting out of this place and the next you think she'll hang in for a while. Things have been quite stressful as you can imagine. My sister Mimi (I call her that because she is such a narcissist, you know me me me me), and my youngest sister Janet got in a huge fight in the middle of a full restraunt on Saturday, I was mortified. I'll have to tell you that story when I am back on my feet. My Son and daughter inlaw are here for my surgery also. So you can see I have quite a bit going on and honestly haven't really thought much about it nor even believe anything is going on. Maybe once I get to the hospital. Well wish me luck! I'll see you guys on the losers bench in a few days.

As Im posting Im sure you already had your WLS. I hope all went well. Im so sorry about your mother. Family can be really nasty sometimes. Your in my prayers I cant wait to hear how your doing. Get some rest
and dont forget to walk...

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
Husband's Best Friend
~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~