Scottsdale Bariatric...have you had problems?
Hi: I work for a large insurance company here in Phoenix so maybe this will help. I'm sure Dr. Blackstone is a great surgeon and has a good follow up program but that won't get you approved. You need to meet the insurance Underwriting guidelines. Each insurance company has different rules and criteria to meet. On top of this insurance companies modify there contracts on a yearly basis. The first thing I would do is call my insurance company and find out what there requirements are. This way you know. You were declined once now find out why from the insurance company and see what you need to do to get approved. A doctors office staff deals with so many different companies its impossible for them to keep up with everything that changes. On top of that they seemed to be overworked,understaffed, and probably under paid. You can easily see how mistakes can be made. I love my surgeon, Dr. Juarez, but I have to say even his office at times seemed overwhelmed. There were times I wanted to strangle one or two but don't give up.
Most everyone on this board will tell you it took a lot of strength, will, and might to get everything needed for wls. Its not easy. Don't let this denial or any blunders from a office staff stop you. As they say "take the bull by the horns" and contact your insurance company. Don't put your fate in someone else's hands.
I wish you the very best.
I want to kiss you! LOL! SEriously are right on target with those of us who have been or who are in the position of helping folks jump through the insurance hoops. Many people come to the weight loss surgeon's program a bit angry, definitely anxious and definitely wanting everything to fall into place yesterday!..... You are absolutely right about each insurance having little quirks depending on employer's specific contracts. And, the thing that can kill an office staff's reputation is that the insurances tell people one thing and then the office may receive a different story all together when the "official Letter's" come! We have to break the bad news and somehow it's our fault and not the insurance company's fault or their employer's fault for having that insurance or THEIR own fault for picking that insurance!
My best advice (along with your GREAT advice!) is to always get the name of whoever it was you were speaking with when communicating with insurance. Write down the time, date and notes of what was said. Though they rarelty back down from a verdict, the notes can sometimes serve as great amunition if a denial goes to an appeal.
Bottom line from me to add to yours......BE Proactive! Realize that it's YOUR journey and only YOU can follow through with details. Very few programs in the valley collect a program fee and so office staff can NOT make your appointments for you, gather your records for you, go to your psych eval and medically supervised diet appts for you............
Occasionally.....a golden patient walks through the door who has actually called their own insurance company, found out their criteria, has the stack of completed information and presents it with a smile!!!! It's amazing.....and we help them with the last few details as quickly as possible and with some major cheerleading and group hugs!
Give me a shout Pam if you're ever looking for a job! :)

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &
I am moving to the Phoenix area from Michigan and I asked if Dr. Blackstone would take over my after care (2 years blood test, etc). I was told that they are not taking any more patients, that they had enough of their own and that they can't help me. My goodness, you would have thought I was asking for a free surgery or something. I'm now stuck because I don't know who to go to or what the next step is to take.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
That shocks me that they are to the point of not taking any new post-bariatric patients... Maybe try again in a few months and see if things slow down. Otherwise there are other great surgeons in the valley that can assist you... in+arizona.html
Maybe email Diane at the email address I posted above and get confirmation that they are not taking new patients.
Thanks you, I'll do that. I have had horrible luck getting people in Arizona to return phone calls. I've called bariatric surgeons offices, realtors, pool people, appliance stores and it seems people there have an aversion to returning phone calls. That just drives me nuts.
It helped the last realtor I called because they got a nice commission off the house I bought. Too bad the others didn't bother.
Certified OH Support Group Leader
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach