During clear liquid days what about jus****er?
I wouldn't eat sugar free jello even if I lived in Utah the jello capitol of the world.
I don't put sugar in my bouillon or consomme so why would that be not suggested? I am getting seriously concerned about the credibility of the process. No wonder people's hair falls out if they eat crap like this. Is this what the wls and lap band surgery is about? *I may have made the wrong choice in thinking wls and banding was a good idea. From what i am understanding from reading around here is that peeps are losing weight mostly because they are basically fasting on sugar free nutrient free fake foods like jello, sfpops, and protein bars and shakes. I am disillusioned.
I eat way too much for my activity level. Mostly I eat healthy weighed and measured meals but I am hungry all the time so sometimes I eat a huge steak and 4 or 5 pieces of fruit. Then when I have ice cream I eat way too much of it. I ve only had ice cream twice this summer but lets put it this way, I could have eaten those portions over a month and considered them normal portions. I am way out of wack when it comes to portions unless I weigh and measure. But the hunger when I do that is overwhleming my efforts therefore I opted to go for wls lap band.
I eat a lot of veggies. So one of my concerns is will I be able to eat plenty to stay vivascious (sic)and energized? I see there has been lots of success on this site but there are not very many participants that are on here after goal so I haven't heard any long term after weight loss hope on the site and I am looking for all the hope I can muster.
I have really thin fine hair that was really thinning out until I got on thyroid meds becuase of a hypo tyroid. Now it is back to some thickness but really if I lose any hair my scalp will really show a lot and I am afraid of that.
I am not a fast food junkie or a potato chip muncher. I have never bought food at the movies. Mostly I just eat very large portions of food to quell that incessant hunger in my stomach. It isn't head hunger either. I have a lot of hope that the band will serve me well. I just don't want any surprises. Luckily I am not a milk shake person because I hear that milk shakes are the downfall of the lap band tool.
I guess if the sugar free jello is to ameliorate nausea then I understand it. I just don't want to replace poor eating habits with fake eating habits if you get my drift.
I attend a 12 step program that addresses food addiction. I think that attendance will be a good compliment to the band which I view as a tool just like making a food plan, exercise and a strong component of fun in my life.
I take meds for my thyroid. I know this had a lot to do with my weight gain as the gain is in the past 4 years only. Prior to that I was always normal weight but couple the hypo thyroid with menapause and that is a perfect set up for weight gain. Once the weight started coming on my metabolism changed and I started craving sweets which I had never eaten in my life. Then I went on optifast and after the optifast diet for 6 months or so I packed on 75 lbs so now I am approx at 100 overweight. It is like lugging around two of me since my normal weight my entire adult life has been 130. I must say this has been a real trial for me. I just can't stand the physicality and immobility associated with obesity. It has really cramped my lifestyle and practically ruined my life.