About failing.....

on 7/29/07 3:17 am - Chicago, IL
I am somewhat having second thought now. My surgery is scheduled for 8/9 - but I keep finding things on the internet of failed LapBand patients. That is the scariest thing for me. I went out to lunch with my mom yesterday and told her I am scared to tell people that I am having the proceedure done because I am scared I will fail again with weight loss.
I keep stumbling apon this Mini-Gastic Bypass and seeing failed LapBand patients getting that. What really is a MGB and why are LapBand patients failing?? One interview for MGB I saw said the guy couldn't sleep well at night because of LapBand coughing and acid reflux. I sleep well - I love sleep! I can't imagine what is going to change in my life in a negative way with the LapBand. Someone else told me they can't sleep on their side anymore - they can only sleep on their back. Ahh!

I know this is quite normal to have these feelings but I think I need to talk to someone who has had the surgery and can re-assure me I am making the right decision. Thanks to all who get's through this post!
on 7/29/07 4:50 am - Layton, UT
You are absolutely doing a wonderful thing for yourself and your health!  In any population you will hear about some bad results or about the results of those who are non-compliant perhaps.  It's natural to worry that you will be the "ONE" person it doesn't work for.  We all come from a history of failed diet attempts or else we wouldn't be going through the hoops of having weight loss surgery in the first place!  The LapBand is an amazing solution!  Thousands have improved their quality of life because they have been banded!  It's great that you are doing your homework and finding out that there "might" be complications.  But, complications can be dealt with.  Hallelujah for that!  Just know that the band gives you many more "fix" options than other weight loss surgeries and tweaking is part of what makes the adjustable band so terrific!  Though one or 2 might have to change their sleep position; ....what a bout the thousands who can finally sleep for the first time in their life????  Hold on tight to your dream!  It CAN become a reality!  .....  It won't be long before you're coming to see my Doc (Post Bariatric Plastic Surgeon)  for a little touch up cuz you have some extra skin issues from losoing a thousand pounds!!!  This is the beginning of a NEW YOU!!!!!  Keep chatting about your concerns cuz it's healthy but be sure and read the positives that come from folks too.! You are just days away from becoming a LOSER!!!!  Congrats!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 7/29/07 5:47 am - Phoenix, AZ
It is so normal to have these thoughts and feelings and I know it's hard. You are making a great choice! Like stated above there are people you will see that will fail at any procedure but I think even for people who may not have the exact results that they want they have still lost weight and improved their quality of life but many have been very successful and hit their goal weight. I think that support is the most important thing. If you have great after care support you can't fail. Rely on your nutritionists, support groups, and doctor to get you through any challenges. People refer to the first month as bandster hell but for me is has been easy. My doctor has us on soft proteins all month and the three small meals have kept me nice and full. I have made it through the first month and I am down 20 lbs since the morning of surgery!! So it definitely works!! As far as the sleeping goes you definitely will not be able to sleep on your side the first few weeks but after that I don't see why it would be a problem. I am a back sleeper so it's been fine for me, but I roll on my side from time to time and it's not a problem. The only advice I can give is follow rules, I was feeling good and started lifting some heavy stuff and paid for it, so make sure you dont do that :)  Best of luck and keep posting if you have questions.

Before pre-op diet: 286.5/ Day before surgery: 275.5/Current: 171

on 7/29/07 10:51 am - Chicago, IL
Thank you sooooo much Joyce and arroyo. It makes me feel good when people take time out of their lives to give me the reassurance I need.

Arroyo - I'm curious what you meant about starting to lift heavy things. I find that somewhat ironic because I will be having my surgery on 8/9 and moving to Chicago during the last week of September!! I went to the surgeon's office originally knowing this was going to happen and they assured me I would be fine. I could find another support group once I got to Chicago. They also told me I should be able to do "moving" type things fine. I understand if I will not be able to do major lifting, but I was planning on being able to help my husband load and unload the moving truck. If I can't I can always ask someone else for help. So what type of lifting are you not able to do and why? Also, I will be getting on a plane 2 weeks after surgery (work is crazy) - I hope I'll be okay or I might need to get one of those push cart things just for my purse!!

Also - I know every surgeon is different, but what rules were you given??

Thanks to all!!
on 7/29/07 2:20 pm - Phoenix, AZ
The rules I was givin were to not lift over 10 lbs the first two months. I was lifting some heavy boxes and shelves about 2-3 weeks out. I know it's pretty stupid, but I was feeling okay. I think by the end of September you will be fine, I would just be careful the first month even if you feel you can do it.

Before pre-op diet: 286.5/ Day before surgery: 275.5/Current: 171

on 7/29/07 5:22 pm - AZ
I moved out here to Az 2 weeks after having a tubal pregnancy removed. They did it Lap, but it was still surgery on the tummy. No lifting for 6 weeks, period.  You are having major surgery on your abdomen (SP?) You will be able to fly. you will feel pretty good, but no lifting heavy  (10 lbs) stuff. Get someone to help. You can offically be the supervisor and have a good excuse! ;) This is about the time I think everyone starts finding negative things, right before you do it. Its okay.  This si the safest WLS you can have.  You have made the right choice.  You can do this.  Go to the main Lap Band site and you can talk to a ton of success stories there and even some turtles who will tell you that even though the weight loss is slow for them, they wouldn't change it.  This is going to be okay.  How brave of you to do this and move to all in the same month!  It shows how really strong you are.  What you are feeling is normal, even though you know that it still is an issue for you, I know, me too.  But this is an amazing we are both on and it will change your life!  Good luck and seek out the main board and if you need some other websites or info let me know.  and stay off the youtube! ;)  Good luck!!
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