Thanks for reading...
Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement. I know in the long run this will all work out. I know right now I sound very discouraged about this and I thought I would share my thoughts.
I am 38 now and looking back at my life I very much enjoyed the early days. I never had a weight problem even though my mom did. I was very active and guess basically I burned off whatever I ate. I always ate a big dinner and rest of the meals was I would say pretty normal size. Anyways just after High School I was playing basketball at the local park with some friends. When I landed and had messed up my knee badly. The next few days I was in terrible pain. It was a holiday week so I had to wait 4 days for a surgeon. To make a long story short my knee was never the same again.
I could no longer have the active life because of the injury. As the years passed by gained some weight but not a lot until I reached my mid 20s. I had jobs that did not require a lot of getting around and the weight became an issue.
A few years back now I was laid off from my job, which is a story itself witch I will not bore you with other than to say I became severely depressed and could not longer work even though I wanted too. My depression got so bad I could not leave the house anymore and my weight showed for it. During this time I did meet the love of life (Thank GOD!). We had a beautiful baby girl which I love dearly. At this point I knew I needed help. I thought to myself how can I have this girl and I cannot even leave my house to take her anywhere. It was like a slap in the face for me. I knew I have to do something. During this time I was declared disabled due to my depression. This was a blessing and a huge issue. Getting the extra money to help us a lot with our bills and my getting insurance for my other medical problems, but this did not help my depression at all. I hate the fact that I need to depend on federal help to get by.
About 6 months ago my family could no****ch my kill myself anymore. They knew they needed to do something. They contacted the TV show “Intervention” about me. The show came here and filmed us for 2 days. I was told it was a documentary about depression and weight but I was pretty sure I knew what was up. I knew in my heart they could help me. Well after filming for 2 days they called us all into a meeting to tell us that we were just “too nice of people” and they would not be able to sell the show to the network. We did not have conflicts of fight and that is what the network wanted. Then they told my family since they could not sell the show they could not help me. I was crushed. How could someone do this to us? Now my depression is worse.
Now I am getting better. I am trying to do something for myself. It is hard for me but I will make it. Like I said before I was hoping I could get the surgery sooner but I will do what I need to do to get my life back.
Thanks for reading…