OPEN vs. LAP BYPASS ~ Would like your thoughts please

on 7/19/07 1:14 pm - AZ
Hi guys,  Please share what kind of WLS you had and how your healing was also the time it took to heal. Anything else that could educate a person getting ready for either. Thanks!

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/20/07 6:35 am - Gilbert, AZ
I am not really sure of the actual statistics for problems following either type of surgery.  I hear people make statements about one vs the other (but they don't provide the statistics or documentation) - usually pro the one that they had as long as they did not have a problem.  Truth is that either way can result in problems depending on the person, how their body responds and how everything goes in surgery at the moment they are there.    I had open RNY and had no problems with my surgery or healing (I did protein load the month prior with whey shakes (90-120 grams daily).  My incision healed well and without incident from the surgery.  I did develop a hernia post-op, but that is because I had a hard fall about 10 days out of surgery.  I had the hernia repaired when I had lap gallbladder surgery 13 months later.  I also had an appendix rupture 11 months post-op and open surgery for that.  I, personally, felt more comfortable with the open because I felt the surgeon could see things better and hopefully I would have less post-op difficulties.  Is that true?  I don't know.  I just know I felt better thinking that.  Obviously the open has a long scar that takes longer to heal and more care must be taken on part of the patient.  For me, it was not an issue. I think the thing to do is ask the surgeon that you have chosen for the pros and cons of either method.  Sometimes they start off lap and have to go to open.  Dr. S is pretty straight forward about his answers on such things and I think should be able to provide you with a good idea.  You might ask if he prefers one over the other and why. 

Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s."  –Billy Wilder  "Know your labs and track your trends."  

on 7/20/07 8:00 am - AZ

Right. I had a long meeting with him and was able to get a my questions answered from a sergeon's point of view. Im happy with that. Now I wanted to hear what people had to say that had both kinds, open or lap. Its one thing to do the wls as a sergeon its another to be the person living with the WLS after it's been done.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/20/07 8:19 am - Gilbert, AZ
This has nothing to do with your question, but do you hunt or target practice or both?  Years ago I really wanted to learn how to shoot well. I had a girlfriend in high school who beat her older brother for the local marksmanship trophy and I was always so envious.  In 1995 I purchases a .357 Magnum, but have never loaded the thing.  I had thought at the time that hubby and I could get involved together and then he, being a cheap skate, wanted to share the gun.  So, it was put away because I was being the stubbon one.  haha.  Perhaps one day I will bring it up again and he can buy a gun and we can do this as an activity together.  Anyway, thougth I would ask since I noticed the gun in your photo.   These days my primary actiivty is training my 3 Australian Cattle Dogs and showing my 14 month old in conformation.

Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s."  –Billy Wilder  "Know your labs and track your trends."  

on 7/20/07 8:36 am - AZ

Im laughing. I get that all the time! Yes. I hunt. Yes I kill to eat. And yes LOVE Target shooting. HUGE TOMBOY I know. You have yourself a very nice tool. Too bad its never been shot! And since 95! WOW. So if you want to learn how to shoot Im your woman. Caswells has a Tue and Friday woman shoot for free! We should go sometime. If your hubby doesnt want to shoot then you can use my firearms. I have 22'a 38's 40 and 45, lots of other arms  but too much to list.

I would consider learning with 38 target ammo. Better yet learn with a 22 1st.  You might want to think about getting a concl. carry permit as well. Tons of info in the classes. I wouldnt take the class till you have your target shoot down pretty good. I would LOVE to see you work with your dogs. Im a huge lover of dogs. I have a zoo here myself.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/20/07 8:51 am - Gilbert, AZ
Is there a Caswell's in the east valley?  I am in Gilbert (Power/Guadalupe).  I lean towards tomboy.  Prefer jeans to anything.   Back in 1995 when I went to target shoot (place between Mesa Dr/Stapley), perhaps that was Caswell's and I embarrassed my hubby because I was a much better shot.  Have no idea what I would be now.  My vision is not as good as it was then.  Age sure is the pitts.   Dogs and I are just getting started on all this.  Did conformation with Rider last cool season.  Will probably start the season in Prescott in mid-September.  I have a almost 4 month pup named Stealth  that I will also be showing this next season if I can get one of my dog buddies to help out in the ring when I have a conflict (two dogs in at the same time).  Next thing is to prepare to compete in obedience and hopefully put some titles on both boys.  From there I hope to get into some herding and see how that goes.  All in due time.  Only so much of  me and I am not a person with high energy so have to pace myself.  My brain wants to do all these things, but the body does not cooperate. 

Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s."  –Billy Wilder  "Know your labs and track your trends."  

on 7/20/07 8:42 am - Phoenix, AZ
My RNY surgery was done laparoscopically. I have 6 incisions across my tummy that are about 1" in length, possibly a little shorter. I am 4 months out and the scars are slowly getting lighter and lighter. I went home with steristrips across my incisions that eventually fell off on their own. I felt well enough to go back to work 1 week after surgery, but took a total of 3 weeks off of work to heal and establish an eating/drinking/vitamin routine. Another poster mentioned the gas pains involved in a laparoscopic procedure. Your belly is filled with carbon dioxide gas to make everything more visible and easier to work within your abdomen. After surgery the gas rises in your body and gravitates to the left shoulder. It is uncomfortable but the pain subsides and the more you move around/walk, the quicker it goes away. I'd say the gas-related discomfort was completely gone within 3 days. Good luck! nicole
on 7/21/07 1:40 am - Glendale, AZ
I had lap and recovered pretty quickly.  I felt like I could have gone back to work in a week, but Blackstone wanted me off for three, mostly to make sure I had the eating routine down and didn't over exert myself.  I tend to over do things so the quicker I can heal the better off I am.  When I had my hsyterecomy with a hip to hip incision, I was shampooing the carpet a week later.  I just don't sit very well.  Maybe I need obedience training with the cattle dogs.   After three years, the only scar I have is about an inch and a half long.  It would probably be nearly invisible except that the morning after surgery I opened the wound up when I dragged a recliner across the hospital room floor.  It's now below my belly button because of my tummy tuck.   I've had at least 7 major surgeries and I opt for laproscopic whenever possible. Connie
David S.
on 7/22/07 11:57 am
Hi there, My wife Jodell and I had open RNY in March of this year.  Our surgeon performs only open RNY, although he does other types of surgeries lapriscopically.  He claimed that with so much rearranging of the anatomy, he liked to have a better look at things.  That made sense to me.  Many surgeons trained in lap procedures, will only do RNY open.  That said, I was off work about 5 weeks compared to others I've known with lap RNY who have been back after 2-3 weeks.   My DW and I have been fortunate to have no complications post surgery. On a separate note, we've been bummed that the temple closes for a couple weeks in July.  We moved to Tucson from Mesa a couple years ago, and we miss having it close. Let me know if you have any additional questions-- --Dave
Dave from AZ     
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