Scottsdale Bariatric Support Group
As my own gastric bypass surgery approaches, I too am having my emotional ups and downs.
Last night my husband and I attended the SBC support group meeting at the Scottsdale Healthcare facility. What an informative meeting!
There were people there that were pre-op to 4 months post op...and everyone was so helpful in sharing their experiences and giving advice on dealing with new challenges. Who knew that a person could get sick on WATER???!!!
I am so glad that we went. I would recommend it to everyone.
next meeting is a week from Thursday 19Th Its a special meeting you need to call and schedule for they have a plastic surgeon coming to do a presentation.\\You can also check the Scottsdale Baritaric web site for meeting information , they have groups broken out pre- to 4mo post op, 4 mo and beyond , plus an emotional eating group - that one you have to be post surgery to attend.
I am not sure if anyone can attend, but you might give a call to Scottsdale Bariatric Center and ask either Sam or Stella. They have different groups that meet with people who are pre-op, post op and out more than 4 months etc. Also, depending on what area of the Valley you live in there are also support groups - like the one in Chandler - that are excellent.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am all packed for just counting down to my new birthday!
Hope to meet you one day.