3 weeks until surgery/lap band, questions

Hello, sorry, I don't have any helpful tips for you. I am a lapband hopeful myself. I am hoping to have my surgery with Dr. Juarez also. If you don't mind I'd love to follow your progress and hear all of your surgery details since every surgeon is different. Good luck, Dr. Juarez seems like he's a great doctor and I'm pretty sure you'll be in good hands! ~ Nikki
Nikki, thanks for your reply. I would love to have you follow my progress. I will post as often as I can. Dr Juarez does seem like a good doctor, I felt very comfortable with him. I spent the time in the waiting area (waiting for my consult) speaking with people who were also waiting, some just had a surgery some waiting, everybody had good things to say! so that was encourging. Did you have your consult yet?
hey Kitty f you haven't found the Lap Band forum yet just open up forums on the tool abr at the top of the page and pull down Lap Band. Its great! here is a link to Wendell that I was telling you about. Its not gospel but it helps alot! http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/a,messageboard/act ion,replies/board_id,5359/cat_id,4959/topic_id,3329593/
on 6/25/07 7:09 am - AZ