Your feelings are normal. Any surgery is scary! You should be proud that you are taking this step toward a better healthier you. It takes courage and strength to come to this point. You are adding years to your life. Dr. Blackstone is a very skilled surgeon. You are in wonderful hands. She is so caring, and she isn't going to let anything happen to you!
It is absolutely worth it, and you CAN do it! A few days of aches and pains, and you will be on your way to a new life!! Think of this.. all those days of joints hurting, back hurting, getting too tired to easily, ankles hurting, being out of breath after a flight of stairs, to cramped or uncomfortable in a chair, or clothing, and those are just to name of a few of the things we go through being over weight wouldn't you trade all of that for just a few days of surgery pain??? I did and it was sure worth it!! And so can you, and you will!
Take a deep breath and relax! Take a hot bath or what ever it is to de-stress yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself at this time is relieve your stress. Use the tapes Dr. Blackstone gave to meditate. They work! You know from reading the posts that the first four months can be bumpy so I'm not going to tell you they won't, but they are absolutely worth it. And they are Nothing compared to living life with the emotional and physical pain of being over weight. I don't know where you are now as far as being over weight, and pain wise, and medical issues. But I know Dr. Blackstone wouldn't do the surgery for nothing. She believes it will help you if she is doing the surgery.
Before you know it you will be at your one week post op class having your first meal and seeing your first big weight loss! Just think in just a week and four days you could be 10,15, 20, even 30 pounds lighter!!!! Won't it be fun to see how much you lose?? I lost i think it was 29 on top of the 15 I gained during surgery that first week. I couldn't believe it. Think of how GREAT that is going to feel!
You will do fantastic! Take good care of yourself. And stay positive. Your fear is normal. Allow it to come, and then boot it out and take back control. YOU are in control of your success and you are going to be so happy you did this. I just said a prayer and asked for some peace in your heart for you, and that you have a speedy recovery.
Take good care,