BANDERS ?? Period & Fills

Candi Y.
on 6/15/07 1:44 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Everyone - I know its been a while, but I have been posted reply's and have been reading everyones post.  I am doing wonderfull, I am a little over 3mths post Lapband and have lost 46lbs FOREVER.............  Yeah!!         Heres my questions...  I got my thrd fill on Tuesday all went fine, I ate No problem on Thursday, Today I have had a problem with everything, I am able to drink but really slow have a very tight feeling, BUT..... heres the kicker I got my period today as well, I thought I wasn't due untill next week so thought I was safe getting fill last week, but surprise...  SO I dont want to panic if my period could be causing the additional tightness.........  ANYONE??????  Thanks for always being here......
on 6/15/07 3:16 pm - Queen Creek, AZ
Lap Band on 05/02/07 with
Sorry I dont have much knownledge about the period issue. I have only had my since May 2nd and I just got my first fill two weeks ago, so I havent had a period since my fill. I just wanted to send a message to congratulate you on your weight loss. That is so great and I it inspires me to know that this is what I have to look forward too. Can you tell me what your post op exercise consists of?
Candi Y.
on 6/15/07 3:19 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey There - I pretty much just walked and walked I am now up to about 3 miles a day 3-5times a week, and now I am trying to get some Ty-Bo in since it is getting so hot to walk!!  It all boils down to Calories IN and calories BURNED!!  GOOD LUCK!!!!
on 6/15/07 3:30 pm - Queen Creek, AZ
Lap Band on 05/02/07 with
I currently have 5 cc's in my band is that normal. do you mind sharing how many you have
Candi Y.
on 6/15/07 11:31 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Actually I really have no idea, I think I have a totally of 3cc??? But not sure, everyone reacts VERY differently to the band itself and fills, A women had the surgery a week before me, 3/7/07 and to date she has not needed a fill and still feels as tight as the day after surgery, could you imagine?!? Just goes to show how different we really are!!
Maureen O.
on 6/15/07 5:33 pm - Glendale, AZ
Hi Candi, You should post this on the lap-band board.  This topic comes up a lot on the lap-band board and I do think TOM causes tightness of the band.  I wouldn't worry too much if I were you but if it doesn't get better after TOM maybe you should call the doc.   Congrats on your 46 lb loss, that's awesome.  I am stuck at -27 lbs.  I started swimming so I am hoping that kicks in some weight loss.  I get my third fill Aug. 2.  I'm hoping that helps a lot also. Maureen


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Candi Y.
on 6/15/07 11:37 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey Mo - FUnny cause I never remeber how to get tot hat Lapband board and always end up here!  Last month I do remember getting a tighter feeling around my period, but not like this.  I am still tight this am, I am able to drink but at a real snail's pace and feel it every sip, I'll try his office this am cause we acutally are leaving for YUMA today, but its saturday, not sure if he is around, otherwise I probably could get by untill Monday..  I'll keep you posted.
on 6/16/07 4:24 am - Austin , TX

Sometimes it takes awhile for the fill to kick in, plus your more than likely swelling with TOM, so I would wait until that's over to see how it goes.   Just keep well hydrated.  Sounds like you have quite a bit of fill, and for me with 7cc's in my band, every day I have to test what I can eat.  I never really know if dense food will be a problem. 

Good luck, the lap band forum is easy to get to.   Just go under forum at the top of the page and click on lap band.  Your there!  A lot of interesting stuff on there.

Carole M

Stephanie W.
on 6/16/07 9:11 am - Peoria, AZ
My educated guess is that it's just your fill kicking in. I'm actually looser during TOM and eat like a pig the whole week before and during. But hey, everybody is different. It's just a wait and see situation. If your band gets looser in a few days, then you're probably one of those people who get tighter during TOM. If your band gets tighter in a few days, you're probably one of those people who get looser during TOM, but felt tighter from your fill kicking in. Does that make any sense at all?  Now I think I'M confused.


At goal- I'm luvin' it!

Candi Y.
on 6/17/07 12:12 pm - Cottonwood, AZ
Hey STeph - LOL It is VERY Confusing isnt it!  Well its now Sunday and I am still pretty tight, I did speak with DOc and he wanted all liquids for weekend, thought I was probably swollen from the fill and then getting food stuck, but he did think I would loosen up by Sunday and not need to call him Monday, but I am still pretty tight, still only 3 days into period but I will be calling office tomm and see what they think......   BUT THANKS EVERYONE - YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS HERE FOR ME!!  APPRECIATE IT!
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