Any support groups in tucson???
There is a Tucson group that meets twice a month and also has an online group. You can find the online group at [email protected].
NorthWest meeting 7-8:30 PM each 3rd Monday of the month at the Northwest Medical Center Classrooms A-D 6200 N LaCholla Blvd. Classrooms are off the main lobby behind the cafeteria. New attendees in classroom D at 6:30 PM.
---- Eastside meeting 7-8:30 PM on the first Tuesday of each month at Evangelical Covenant Church, 551 N. Camino Seco, between Broadway and Speedway, on the West side of the street. As always new attendees will be at 6:30.
---- WLS ED. Continuing educational meeting for all meets the LAST Thursday of the month at Unversity Medical Ctr. 1501 N. Campbell Ave., room 5403 from 7 - 9 PM.
meeting dues are $5 per month payable in 6 month groups, Jan 1 and July 1; a Full year is only $50.