Details for Grad Seminar on 23rd
Also, you need to reserve yourself (and a guest if you'd like) a seat asap. Call in your RSVP
See y'all on the 23rd!!!! It's a GREAT line-up of information and FUN!!!!
Refreshments, Door prizes and info for FREE!!!
Bridges Centre
Weight Loss Surgery Follow-up Questionnaire
Name:___________________________________Email_________________ Address__________________________City_________State___Zip________ Phone: Home( )____________Cell ( )_________________ Date of Birth___________ Surgery Date__________By-pass_______Lap-Band_______ Surgeon Name: Juarez___Fang___Questionnaire Date:_________ ________
Please Complete and Return in Enclosed Envelope
1. How much weight have you lost since your surgery?______lbs What was your weight prior to surgery?______What is your weight today?______
2. What was your starting BMI?______ What is it today?______
3. Since your last questionnaire, have you been hospitalized and/or treated for any complications related to your weight loss surgery? Include date
( )Yes( )No
4. If you had diabetes, has the loss of weight improved this condition?
( )Yes, off of insulin and now maintained on oral agents
( )Yes, off of all medications for diabetes
( )Yes, medication dosages reduced
( )No change on my diabetes management
( )N/A
5. If you had a history of sleep apnea, has this been resolved?
6. If you had a history of hypertension, have you been able to reduce your medicine or stop completely?
( )Yes ( )No
7. Have you been treated for anemia or any other vitamin deficiency?
( )Yes ( )No
8. What vitamins do you take?______________________________
9. Based on your experience to date, would you recommend this procedure to others?
( )Yes ( )No
- Has the surgery improved your quality of life? ( )Yes ( )No
Bridges Centre
May 25, 2007
Dear patient,
We would like to invite you to a graduate informational seminar that will be held Saturday, June 23, 2007. Check-in will be at 10:00 a.m. and the seminar will last until 1:30 p.m. It will be held in the new Bridges Education Centre at 555 N. 18th Street, Suite 105. You are welcomed to bring a guest.
Please complete the information sheet enclosed. It is very important that we continue to follow you as a patient. We want to know how you are doing. It is important that we know your level of success. We would like to hear from you even if you are unable to attend the seminar.
o I am a graduate of St. Luke’s Bariatric Surgery Program (6months or more and will attend).
o I would like to bring a guest
o I am not able to attend
Registration for Seminar: Please enclose this form and your follow-up information form in the enclosed envelope. Call if you have any questions 602-251-8828 or 1-800-248-5553.
Kelly Hughes
Kelly Hughes, R.N.
Director Bridges Centre
Bridges Centre
“Celebrating the Power of You”
A Special Seminar for Graduate Patients
*Registration Required*
June 23, 2007
10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
10:15 a.m.
Challenges and How We have Met Them
How weight loss has changed my life
Panel of Grad Patients
10:30 a.m.
Healthy Eating for Life………Staying on Track
Jenel Day, Registered Dietitian
Questions/Answers Period
10:45 a.m.
Trading Unhealthy Behaviors Postoperatively: The Myth of Food Addiction
Dr. Barbara Maxwell, Clinical Psychologist
Questions/Answers Period
11:10 a.m.
Fashion for the New You
11:30 p.m.
Light Brunch Break- Visit Vendors
11:50 p.m.
Longterm Potential for Behavior Modification
Dr. Sylvia Doss, Clinical Psychologist
Questions/Answers Period
12:15 p.m.
Fitness after Bariatric Surgery
Carroll Roberts, Pure Fitness
Questions/Answers Period
12:35 p.m.
Plastic Surgery: Answers for the Bariatric Patient
Dr. Gitt, Plastic Surgeon
Questions/Answers Period

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