Just driving me crazy...
It's been awhile since I've been here but I needed somewhere to vent. I started my process of getting my insurance approval April 2006 I completed all the requirements needed for my insurance on December 2006 (my insurance required I do a 6mth diet). When SBC went to file my paperwork to insurance they stated that 2007 had new requirements and I now needed 5 years of medical history, so now I had to track down my doctors and request they send them my records. They finally received all of them at the end of May, so now when SBC went to file my paperwork my insurance states that my psych testing and psych evaluation is now outdated and I would have to redo them, to find out now I have to do the whole screening thing again with SBC (NP, dietician, psych test, psych eval) and now my annual pap, annual blood work and a mammogram. I just want to cry. Is this a sign from GOD. So I am trying to take one day at a time and do the things that my insurance is requesting. Sorry for the vent, Annie
You've been through more than me. I didn't have all the insurance requirements, just testing and re-testing along with more clearances needed. One thing was leading to another, echo cardiogram lead to a pulmonary specialist, that lead to 2 sleep studies,then a requirement for a CPAP, on and on, 1 surgery date postponed over so many tests.
I almost gave it all up, but I'm sure glad I didn't. My life has improved in ways I didn't even realize were possible. I'm lap-band, so even tho I loose slower than the RNY people, I'm happy and I feel really great.
My advice to you, just take it one day and one test at a time, once you have your surgery you'll be glad you hung in there. The memory dulls......and it doesn't seem so bad later!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010
www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com
Hi Erin,
Luckily, my insurance paid for most of the items. I think last time I had to pay $160.00 out of pocket because of the dietician charge but after talking with Terry at SBC she said they no longer charge the patients. So when I go back I only need to pay my copays. I have my schedule of all appointments to be done on June 25. On June 8th I have an appointment for annual pap and bloodwork and hopefully I can get my mammogram done the same day. I will keep you informed.
Take care,