what to buy???
my pre op appt is not until the 14th. I know dr. v wants you to not eat anything for a week before surgury, im not sure what vitamins i am going to need to take I kind of feel a little lost! if anyone can help me know what to buy, i would be very very greatfull for any and all advice. Thank you all for all of your help it is greatly appretiated!! Hugs, Stephanie
Hi Kim,
My class is friday as well, and my pre op is the 14th. my surgury is the 19th. are you with dr.v? well I have no clue what to do or eat still, so I am guessing that is what they will tell us at the class on friday! I have testing on thurdsay! uggg. I am comming from Tucson. Well if you need a surgury buddy sounds like I am your girl! PS...Im nervous too!