it takes 3 times longer to post , respond and read the postings, no wonder posting have gone down so much ! I almost hate to come on the board to check up on friends , get information & share with others !
ok I said it now I can feel better it's off my Chest !!!
I'm not really having a problem with response time, but I'm not wild about the new layout. I hesitate to say this though because I live/work in the world of the Internet and software and nobody thinks their baby is ugly. You can never please everyone when you develop a website. I took a look at the code for this page and was reminded that this site is run by volunteers. I don't know if they pay the actual web programmers or if they are volunteers also, but I'm grateful that the site is here so I'll just keep my mouth shut and be happy that I have a site to go to and get information.
When it first came up I didn't like it at first either. But then I took a breath and gave it a chance. I reminded myself of the simple rule.. No one likes change. Frankly most of the things we see on the internet and the media are unappealing. I don't think they do a bad job here at all. I like the home pages we can set up for ourselves. All the new stuff will take some getting used to but again.. its all just change, and we all should be getting used to change that is for sure!
I was so impressed reading his story, and why he set up this site, and how far this site has come since he set it up. Did you read that he keeps up profiles of people who have passed away? I found that so touching. I am also just so very grateful to him and all of the people who work on the site, and who donate to the site to keep it going so that we can be here, and we can post, and have our profiles up, so we can be inspired, and inspire others.