I can't stand protein shakes post surgery, primarily because it is so difficult to get enough protein in that way with such a small stomach. We have tried to get as much of our protein as possible in through the foods we eat. Initially, we focused primarily on staying hydrated, as that was our doctor's primary concern. Then we added things like refried beans. Now that many of my diet restrictions are pretty much gone, I like sliced deli meats, south beach protein bars (19 g of protein), and the little south beach pizzas (31 grams of protein). I also have some of the new whey protein isolate shots, which I don't use very often as I prefer to get my protein in through the foods I eat.
As for exercise, this week I started on the elliptical machine, and also began doing some resistance training.
June 18th will be here before you know it. If you're like we were, you probably have lots of stuff you want to get done before the surgery, so you can just focus on getting better.