Mucus build-up causing nausia and vomiting!!

Sharon Martinez
on 3/31/07 3:27 pm - Mesa, AZ
Hey everyone, I had my 8 week check up last Tuesday. According to Dr. Fang, I seem to be right on target. I did tell him that I daily wake up vomiting and continue to remain nausiated the entire day making it very hard and almost impossible to eat. He told me that my problem is mucus build-up in my sinuses. So, he gave me a script for a syrup which I found out today when I called the pharmacy, is nothing more than robuitussin. That is supposedly supposed to help me to break down the mucus build up and keep me from vomiting and being nausiated. I havent tried it yet, but I'm hoping that this will work. Has anyone else heard of this at all??? Well, I have now lost 46 lbs. According to some people I should have lost over 20 lbs do y'all feel about this? Am I really losing too slow? Maybe if I could just stand to eat like I should without being nausiated and vomiting, I would lose the weight as I should...who knows...we'll find out soon enough I hope. Will definately let you all know! I know if I could just get motivated I would get this weight off faster too..but for some reason I am having a terrible time getting motivated to exercise. I am in aqua therapy for now to help work out my muscles so that I can exercise like a normal person....I spent almost three years in bed before my surgery so my muscles are lacking terribly.....but hopefully that will get better as I continue in my therapy. If there is anyone near Lindsey and main that has some extra time on their hands, please let me know...I gotta get motivated! Hope everyone is doing well and will look forward to your comments! Sharon
on 4/1/07 3:54 am - Phoenix, AZ
I have had a problem with post nasal drip most of my life. When I sleep it builds up and I wake up and need to get rid of it. I take Benadryl at bedtime when it gets bad and I have less problems in the morning. It hits me harder during allergy season. I have been lucky that it seems to have decreased since WLS. Good luck, Doc
on 4/1/07 4:14 am - Layton, UT
Sharon, According to some people? What's up with the "some people" thing? 20 pounds more???? Holy Cow! You have done extremely well with your loss! You've almost averaged 25 pounds a month! Congratulations!'s the deal! If you want to find someone who has lost faster -- you will! If you want to find someone who has gotten to goal first? -----You will! Comparisons are dangerous things! We all fall prey to it and it messes with our minds! Go for YOUR personal best! Give your body time to move in tha****er exercise class! How amazing that you can do that! Add more movement and exercise as your nausea subsides and as your muscles gain strength. As for the nausea? It's normal fora good percentage of post-ops. Some tips that help many folks is to drink your water room temp, sip a warm/hot herbal tea or some broth before trying to eat and definitely first thing in the morning. It helps soothe and relax the area of your pouch so things will be received easier. High Fives to you Sharon! .....and remember that your success is personal and shouldn't be compaed to others! If your DOC thinks you need to kick it up a notch then that's a different story; but be sure and get details on how HE suggests you actually do that!!! Huggggzzz! Joyce
on 4/1/07 7:34 am
Hi Sharon, Dr. Juarez told me at my last check up that I was right on target with where they wanted me to be. I was whinning that I wasn't losing fast enough like "Everyone else." He explained that everyone loses at different levels depending on what their situation was before surgery. He really made me feel a lot better. He also mentioned that if I wanted to lose faster it was going to be up to me and getting out and exercising more because I was eating according to what the "blue bible" was instructing. So I ordered the exercise DVD from so that when I couldn't get out and excerise outside I could do it in my house. That seems to be helping and now there is no excuse for lack of excerise. Hang in there, better that you lose slow and sure. Besides, your skin will love you for it. Hugs, Gina
Sharon Martinez
on 4/1/07 7:45 am - Mesa, AZ
Thank you everyone for your comments and advice! I dont normally post much on here but I was really bothered obviously by my weight loss.......And Joyce, as far as "some people", those people are my toughest critics, my family! My mom sais I am not doing what I could be to lose the weight faster and then with the constant questions that I've learned to hate, "did you weigh yourself today?", "what have you eaten today?", and then I guess the one that got me the worst was from my sisters husband when he said he couldnt tell that I had lost any weight at all! As you all know, I have lost 46 lbs post op but what you didnt know is that I have lost over 100 lbs since November! So I guess when I hear people saying that they cant see the difference its just heart breaking. I really am trying to eat and I am lucky if I can get in one meal a day but my Dr swares there is nothing more wrong with me besides the mucus build-up. I know I shouldnt listen to what other people say, and you're right Joyce, it is SO easy to get caught up in the fact that other people have lost faster than I have. But there are people that have lost slower than me too so I need to just stop comparing! Again, thank you for your comments and advice, I do remember now that my Dr told me to drink some hot tea when I get up and I would most likely be able to eat better...I had forgotten about that, so thank you! Sharon
on 4/1/07 12:41 pm - Layton, UT
Ahhhh sweetie! I"m sure your family means well but maybe they need to be taught what they should say. How bout telling that brother in-law that his comment is hurtfull and to use the Bambii-Thumper rule ~~ "if you can't say anything nice then don't say nothin at all!".....Seriously, I would like to hurt him in you behalf but instead i"ll just offer my very comfy couch for you to sleep on in they keep at it! We are all so different at the starting gate. Differences in gender, size, age, health, metabolism, family history, etc. Soooooo...... it makes sense that the scale will register different for each of us. I thnk you are a GREAT LOSER!!!!! You rock! Joyce
on 4/2/07 4:23 am - Tolleson, AZ
Joyce yours words cheered me on a "down in the dumps" Monday! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I am nearing my 8 week anniversary and am quite disheartened that I have only lost 34 pounds. I have joined a gym in the last week so I am hoping things will speed up. Your kind words really lighten my day!
Sharon Martinez
on 4/1/07 3:24 pm - Mesa, AZ
Joyce, Im not sure why your messages to me always make me cry...maybe because I know you're right and I am just not giving myself what I deserve...anyway, thanks again for your kind words, and yeah, the brother in law is an ass...and I know that I have done well, I just need to remember it more often insteaed of letting myself get so down on "me"...Thanks again.... And I know my mom doesnt mean to be mean, she just wants the absolute best for me....she I think has more confidence in what I am capable of than I actually do...thats probably why she pushes so much. Oh well, I just need to quit being so damn sensitive I guess and be stronger... Again, thanks... Sharon
K B (Tucson)
on 4/2/07 1:11 pm - Tucson, AZ
OMG. Your story is so similar to mine. I have the band. Last April (my big allergy month) I began to vomit and feel nauseous for what seemed to be no good reason. I have had seasonal allergies for much of my life and I tended to ignore the symptoms as much as possible but did take over the counter meds at times. The vomiting went on for quite a while and I also had reflux if I didn't take sudafed at night. I finally went to an allegy doc who said that nausea was an unusual, but not uncommon, symptom and it was due to the overproduction of mucus, secondary to the allergies. Long story short, I am now on several allergy meds (zyrtec, singulair, flonase) and get weekly allegy shots. No nausea thus far this year, but it is early in my allegy season. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Another bad side effect of the vomiting is that I eventually had a band slip, was on liquids from Nov/26 to 2/07 when i had to have the band surgically repositioned. My advice to you is to see an allergist and aggressively treat your allergies.
Sharon Martinez
on 4/2/07 2:20 pm - Mesa, AZ
Wow, sounds like you've really been through it. I didnt have the band, I had the complete bypass..but we do have the similar problem. I am not totally sure its allergies, but either way I cant take over the counter meds due to the fact that I have had to take liquid morpine and phenergan now for over two yrs. So, there are a LOT of meds that I am unable to DOC suggested earlier in this post, benedril, but I cant take it due to the of these days I will be able to get off of those meds and have a normal soon!
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