What's Up With This???

Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 2/15/07 10:07 pm - Tucson, AZ
I am 54 years old and haven't had a period since December 2005. Yesterday I started my period.
on 2/16/07 1:40 am
Becky Did you call your doctor ? I know our bodies go through lots of changes - But I think its something your doc should be aware of .. I wonder howit will effect your Iron level ( if at all ?) Menopause can be such a fun thing !! I had major hysterctomy at 43 and dont have to deal with it any more ... No more pain, or bloating, now I know it just gas pains
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 2/16/07 3:27 am - Tucson, AZ
I have an appointment with Dr. Juarez on Tuesday. Can I wait until then?
Maureen O.
on 2/16/07 6:34 am - Glendale, AZ
OH don't tell me that. I'm 52 and haven't had one in years either. I hope I don't get another one now. Let me know what the doctor says. Thanks, Maureen
on 2/16/07 10:14 am - PHOENIX, AZ
HI Becky: If you start to bleed heavy I would put a call in to Dr.Juarez. Wow. They say our bodies change but this is the "big" change. Good luck and keep us posted. Since I am the same age the answer will be interesting. Pam
on 2/16/07 12:54 pm - Tolleson, AZ
How much weight have you lost since your surgery? Sometimes the body stages a last "hurrah!" just for the fun of it when it thinks it is in danger. A large weight loss could be interpreted by your nervous system as a failure to thrive and your body wants to let you know that you are alive. I am 51 and have sporatic periods. According to my PCP I should have stopped at least a year ago, but she also said all I needed to lose weight was a good diet! I had surgery on 2/7/07 and sure enough the first time I used the bathroom in my room my period had started (after a 4 month abscense!). Luckily because of someone posting it on this message board I had brought the necessary supplies. Also the last few periods tend to be really heavy so please watch your iron and fluid intake. Keep up on all of your vitamins. If you know how do the fingernail test for iron. It is simple, push down until the blood leaves the fingernail and then watch how swiftly the colour returns. I have heard this can also be done with earlobes.
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