I'm close to setting up Lapband surgery - Please help???

Candi Y.
on 1/25/07 6:54 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Was wondering if anyone else goes through "COP-OUT" feelings??? I have lost weight so many times in my life and done it TEMPORIALLY, always gained back, since making this decison to do the lapband I am having these feelings of quilt and feeling like people willthink I'm a "cop-out"????
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 8:56 am - avondale, AZ
Candi, There are always going to be people who think you have taken the easy way out. You need to make the decision for yourself, not anyone else. Wether you have the band or bypass there is nothing easy about it. it's a huge lifestyle change, and you have to be prepared for it. I only speak from very little experience as I just had bypass yesterday, but I could not be happier and I really don't care what any of those non-believers think because I am on my way to healthy and happier life with my husband and son, and that's what it is all about. Do what is right for you... Good luck, Danielle
on 1/25/07 1:14 pm - queen creek, AZ
Candi, I had some thoughts of despair in regards to chosing WLS. Which is what I relate to being a cop-out. I was told I was diet cheating (whatever that means!) But the bottom line was I needed to do something and all other attempts failed. Since having my lapband I have had nothing but success so I think that while it may feel like a cop-out, if it works its just the very thing needed. Using the notion that it may be a cop-out could be a cop-out in itself. And *****ally cares what others think of your decision to take control of your health and feel better. I wish you well and I know you can get healthy with a Lap-band! Never allow what others may think or do affect your own decision, Its up to you and you can do it! Good Luck Jen
M. clarke
on 1/25/07 3:17 pm
Candi, I think you need to do what you are comfortable with whether that is having the surgery or not. Until I hit bottom and wasn't able to exercise because of pain I wasn't ready to have it. I didn't think it was the right thing for me, until it became the only thing for me. Then I was 100% for it. It is certainly not the easy way out. It is a lot of hard work still. It is not as simple as just not being able to eat. Many people breeze through the surgery and the aftercare without issues. However, many do not. You should read through blogs and profiles to see peoples stories, and then decide if it sounded like they were "cop outs". Is it worth it?? Absolutely. But there are days that i would say "Heck no! it isn't worth it!" So if your feeling it is a cop-out you need to do more research. Grant it the lap band is not as invasive as the RNY but you are still taking risks, and you could still suffer some seriously unfun afteraffects. Once you realize that I don't think you will feel like a cop-out. You need to consider your support group also. It is important that you have people to support you around you. The "people" you are thinking will think you are being a cop-out? Are these your support people? They don't sound like it. Sounds like you need new "people" in your life that are concerned for your health and well being. There were people that I am close to that did not support my surgery. Not because they thought it was a cop out, but because they were concerned about the safety of the surgery. I finally as the surgery got close had to tell these people to either get on board or get out because I wasn't going to have any negative vibes around me while I was healing or before my surgery. They decided they would rather be for me, and a part of my life, and they got on board. Do your research. Definitely do your research between RNY and lap and decide which is best for you. It is not just about your health and how fast you want to lose weight. It depends on your personality, how much control you need, and what type of eater you are. All of that plays into deciding what type of surgery to have also. Know what you are in for and I don't think you will feel so much like you are coping out.
M. clarke
on 1/25/07 3:29 pm
wow that last post was really lengthly. LOL. I gotta stop responding so late at night after taking pain meds. I get way to chatty!
K B (Tucson)
on 1/26/07 11:21 am - Tucson, AZ
I had the band placed 11/22/05 and have lost 119 lb. The band is a great TOOL, but YOU still have hard work ahead to lose the weight. It is certainly not a "cop out" to get help withs the weight battle. Any one who gets wls gets it as the LAST resort, not the first wl strategy. Get comfortable with youself and do what you need to do to lose the weight. I am 1 lb away from normal BMI. I am surprised. excited and greatful for the freedom the band is giving me in life. Good luck.
on 1/27/07 3:37 am - Layton, UT
High Fives on your weight loss K B !!!!! ......It sounds like you will be one of those stats that proves tht Lap Bander's can get to goal in a fast hurry! .....My guess is that you are a very compliant weight loss post-op!!! Do you count calories or just measure portions or both? Hugggzzz to you! Joyce
K B (Tucson)
on 1/27/07 11:42 am - Tucson, AZ
I count calories and protein grams. I still need to watch my portion control as i still have eyes much biger than my needs. I try to stick to 1000-1200 cal/day, but am averaging a bit more these days. I am wearing size 10 bottoms and size 12 tops, down from women's size 22 (and growing). Hurrah for me. I love my band.
on 1/29/07 4:56 am - AZ
I've been told that having lap band is not as effective because you get hungrier with the lapband where as in gastric bypass you have a secretion of some kind of hormone that impedes that compulsive hunger. Does anyone if that is true! :-s Thanks, whitval
Judy M.
on 1/29/07 7:49 am
I am considering lap band surgery. I feel like this is a 'cop out' too. I would rather do this the 'proper' way by portion & balance control and exercise. I have been involved with a 12 step program and there is much opposition to wls causing me to doubt myself as to choosing lap band surgery. I am not considering ijntestinal bypass surgery. I am curious what the negatives are with lap band and what were the final criteria that led others to choosing the lap band procedure. I keep thinking that if I just ate balanced small meals and exercised appropriately and stopped the binge eating and the over indulgences at meals that I would lose the weight. I have not been able to acheive the former despite efforts for the last 7 years. I was never obese prior to 2000 and menapause but now at 100 lbs over weight I just can't seem to make the changes necessary to get this overweight off. Any thoughts on my issues?
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