Anyone else had this?

on 12/31/06 1:58 am - Kingman, AZ
Hello, just wondering if anyone else has had this type of complication. I had a stricture and when the doctor tried to stretch it the tissue tore and I had to go into emergency surgery and the doctor had to redo my pouch due to all the scar tissue and ulcers that were in/on/around my pouch. At 6 weeks pos op I am having to start all over again. I am lucky that I did not get an infection or anything else. I am now about a week and a half post op but I would like to have some positive feedback from anyone who might have had a similar situation. I am feeling better now but at first I was not thinking that I was going to make it. Anyone?? Christine PS ANyone know how I can get my picture to show up when I post?
Nicole W.
on 12/31/06 2:17 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I have dealt with my 2nd stricture... the doctor told me if one more time I had to have it fixed they were going to inject the stoma with some cortizone to prevent it from happening again. I know of one girl on here that was stretched out too much and has to have it fixed because she has no restricition, but I cannot think of her name. Maybe post this on the mainnoard since alot more people on there may relate. Glad you are feeling better! As for posting a picture... try this 1. Go to My Account 2. Click on "My New Profile" .. your profile will appear. 3. Just below your name... click on Customize Profile 4. On the right you will now see Profile Control Panel: First option is Profile... then find Change My Avatar , click on that... then do a browe for the picture. 5. Let it load and then click upload, it will process... then you should see it.
M. clarke
on 12/31/06 6:05 am
Christine i am so sorry to hear you are going through that! My thoughts are with you! I can't imagine how awful you must feel.
on 12/31/06 11:49 pm - Chandler, AZ
Hi Christine, I am so sorry you are having complications. My wls was 13 months ago. I ended up having open ryn, because the ulcers and scaring were so bad. My ulcers were removed..but I gained a wound infection and blod clot in my lung..where I was bed-bound rather than walking the halls as a "happy loser". During my 14 days of hell, I too suffered extreme depression. I wondered; why did I voluntarily put myself and my family through this? It didn't take me long so see the "whole picture". I have lost 125 pounds! I have lots more to lose, and it doesn't come off as quickly now as it did in the beginning, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.....20 more pounds I'll be in the 190's!!!!! People I haven't seen in a long time don't recognize me! They look puzzled as to who is that gal with Ginger's husband??? It's a neat feeling..and a creepy feeling all at the same time! There are tons of perks coming your way Chrintine! Look at everything you have accomplished so far on this journey. Celebrate mini-goals..such as, you made it through all that pre-op testing!! that is an accomplishment in itself!!! I see that you live in Kingman. My husband's family all live there, so we are there lots and lots. Take care Christine! HugsGinger
on 1/1/07 12:23 am - Kingman, AZ
Thank you so much. I dont know why it seems to be so comforting to see someone else who has gone throught the same hell as I am going through. I would not wish this on anyone. I guess it is comforting to know that someone else went through this and survived. It sounds like you had pretty much the same complications except the blood clot so far I have done without that thank god. I am trying to see the light and some days are better than others but because of this setback my whole life seems turned upside down and turning it around seems almost impossible. I cannot work. The day thatI had the emergency surgery is the day I was supposed to go back to work. SO much for that. It is very encouraging to hear that you made it and you are happy with your decision. I have been worried about regret and hopefully in time I will not have any. Did you have the open RNY from the beginning or did they have to go back in? My first surgery was the Lap then 6 wks later they went back in did the open and did the redo. Christine Thanks again.
on 1/1/07 10:12 pm - Prescott Valley, AZ
Ginger Good to "see" you,, I sent you some private email the other day, did you get it?? Would love to hear from you. Sorry this is off the topic everyone!! Vee
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