I'm excited and nervous, I know this is normal but........

on 12/29/06 3:14 am - Austin , TX
My date is coming up 1/26, My pulmonary doc is ordering my CPAP next week, I see the surgeon, Dr. Blackstone, on the 11th, then only 2 weeks until surgery.... I know I have an excellent doctor, have had more information about the procedure than I probably even need, but I'm still a little nervous. It's actually all going to come together this time, unlike November when it was cancelled due to all the tests not completed. It's not going to be fun in the hospital, I was lucky, or unlucky to be there when my husband had his, I don't know what it is, maybe just the thought that something could go wrong. That must be normal to feel that way.... Just the thought that losing weight will be easier to maintain with the lap-band is something to look forward to. Can I really give up Caffeine, no carbonated drinks, ever.....how do we do that? What about chocolate? It has caffeine, but it's definately not on the list! Then there is exercise, if that was easy for me to do, I wouldn't be here! Lower back pain should improve, wouldn't it be great to be able to walk around a mall without having to sit down about a quarter of the way into it! My son (he's over 35 now) says it use to be a marathon event for me to go shopping, he didn't know how I could last so long! Now I internet shop mainly, Christmas shopping was difficult when I had to go to a mall for a couple of things. So many things I have given up because it's just too painful to do, you don't realize how much you've adjusted your way of life to accomodate all the extra weight. Will that really change? I've been so lucky to have such good insurance, we (my husband and myself) to be approved so easily. WHat does that tell you about how much we needed this! This has been very costly for the ins. co. hope they don't raise our premiums out of sight! They haven't questioned anything and have already paid the hospital for my husbands 11/06 surgery. Our little portion to pay was very small, seems like this procedure should be welcomed by all the insurance companies when you think about all the health problems it will minimize if not completely go away. Just venting I guess, it's almost another year, I think it's going to be a good one. I think we're going to Northern CA in June to welcome in anotoher grandchild, our daughter's baby is due in May/June, this is her first. We have 1 other up there as well that will be fun to see. They will see us for the first time since surgery. They have been very supportive, sometimes a little nervous for us, but mainly positive. We're lucky to have such great kids. Looking forward is where I need to keep my focus, and staying positive is where I need to be. Everyone on the board has been so kind, and some of the people I"ve been able to meet are really special. Looking forward to next year with anticipation, and a little bit of anxiety......
M. clarke
on 12/29/06 3:45 am
Carole, Your right around the corner! Yes you are in the best hands (Dr. Blackstone). So have no fears of the surgery. She is one of the best in the Nation. I was fearful about the caffiene part too. They told me to stop drinking it two weeks before the surgery. They said if not I would have a horrible headache after surgery. I was such an addict I couldn't even kick it before the surgery. I actually drank two mountain dews and a coke the day before surgery. So I was sure I was going to really suffer major withdrawls. I never had a headache. I never had any type of withdrawl. I never even had a craving. I'm 8 weeks out and there is mountian dew and coke in my refriderator from relatives over the holidays and it dosen't even bother me. I have abosolutely no taste or craving for it. I think you will find your body and cravings are going to change a lot after surgery. Plus i think eventually we can have caffiene again, its just the carbination we can't have p.s. if you like milk make sure you drink a glass before surgery because that you won't be able to drink again. That they don't tell you. lol. I love milk and didn't know I wouldn't be able to drink it.. i missed the memo.
on 12/29/06 4:00 am - Layton, UT
Carole! You rock! You have done so much research. Tended to your hubby while he's doing the learning curve and coached many of us through your wait! I wish you the best surgery, the best outcome and the best 2007 and beyond! ....Getting healthy for grandbabies is our second chance at FUN! Congrats to you sweetie pie! Hugggggzzzz, Joyce
Nicole W.
on 12/29/06 5:35 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Carole, I bet as you get closer to your date you will become alot more excited! I am not sure if I told you I suffer from Chronic back pain... I have had Degenerative Disc Disease since I was 17 years old. It got much worse after a injury when I worked with mentally ill teenagers and I have been alot of pain for the last 6 years. My back pain was one of my decisions to do this surgery, because with my back going out it was almost impossible for me to lose weight and increase my physical activity. Since my sugery... knocking on wood... my back pain has decreased probably 90%. I have not been dependent on ice packs and my narcotic pain medication. I have only taken my percocet this past weekend after my trip to Disneyland. I did alot of standing and walking and carrying a 20lbs backpack. But I was able to walk 4 -12 hour days in Disney without a problem. Even with 20lbs you will see a huge difference with your back pain. I gave up caffeine back in June... I had it here and there but not as much as I used to. I probably drank 80oz/day and I went down to 10oz, then 2 months before surgery I gave it up completely. I am not a chocolate person so that wasn't a big thing for me. Remember, you can have caffeine again, just not in the amounts that we used to. There are people who drink soda and all the other stuff, it depends on you and how your body can handle it. I think it would be a great idea for you to come to a support group... they help a great deal with the pre-surgery nerves and you will hear everyone's experience pre-op and post op! Congrats on your new grandchild... You will have some great pictures with the new baby looking skinny! And just remember, you will be able to chase them around in a few years and enjoy being a grandmother! You will do great Carole!
on 12/29/06 5:58 am - Gilbert, AZ
Melissa, I am curious why you say you can't drink milk. I had my surgery 10 days ago and I can drink milk fine, just not a lot of it at one time. emh :)
M. clarke
on 12/29/06 6:10 am
Your drinking milk? I was told we weren't supposed to be drinking milk and that we never would be able to. So there is hope. That is great!
M. clarke
on 12/29/06 6:12 am
Elizabeth are you RNY or Lap Band??
on 12/30/06 3:48 am - Gilbert, AZ
I had the lapband 11 days ago. I started drinking two ounces of mile along with my protein shake and sip on it for an hour. I just started oatmeal, mashed potatoes, etc. two days ago. My sister-in-law had the RNY 16 months ago and she could have milk right away too. I have to drink it slow and it feels kind o fweir when it is too cold, but it sure makes me feel better cuz it's a little protein (energy) instead of water. My friend went to Blackstone three years ago and she could have milk right after too. Blackstone must have changed her rules in the last couple of years. I went to Weight Loss Institute of Arizona and we are only on fluids for a week, then advanced fluids the second week, mushies the third week and regular food the fourth week - if all goes well in those three weeks. No more than 4-6 ounces at a time, eating EXTREMELY slow, six small meals a day and protein shakes as three of those meals. I really think the milk has saved me. Interesting, huh... :-)
Nicole W.
on 12/29/06 6:37 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Elizabeth, Each surgeon is very different on what their food plans are and as a their patient you should follow their dieticians food plan. On Dr. Blackstone's plan we can only have proteins like chicken, turkey, tofu, fish, yogurt, cottage cheese for the first 4 weeks... after that we can bring in cookies veggies and fruits. At 4 months we are allowed to have anything we want and can tolerate. Dr. Blackstone is pretty strict but I can see why she does it... she doesnt want us dumping and aggravating our pouches. She wants the pouch to heal completely. I have read in many forums that people can have carnation drinks, milk, oatmeal, cream of wheat... all things I would love to have but I know that are not good for me right now. ~Nicole
on 12/30/06 2:52 am - PHOENIX, AZ
HI Carol: You bought up so many good points. I had to laugh when you said how you now have become an internet shopper. I used to love to go to the Malls. Now one or two things and I was finished. I remember taking my grandaughter school shopping. This should have been a great day shopping and having lunch. But because of my weight I couldn't wait to get out of the mall. As for cafferine I have to admit I drank a diet coke the day before my surgery. I had a blarring headache for two days. It may be because of the caffine. Its slowly going away. Now look what you have ahead of you. A new beginning. Stay focus and positive and the results will show.
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