Finally the last sleep study & CPAP machine

on 12/18/06 3:10 am - Austin , TX
I can't tell you how much I was dreading this sleep study. Just the idea that I had to try out one of those CPAP things was making me very nervous. I had a really great technician who himself uses one, he told me much more than I ever needed to know about them, but suggested I try the one that sits right under your nose and doesn't cover your mouth at all. I don't know what it's called! It had a humidifier with it. After it was in place and I was all wired with sensor's everywhere for the study, I laid back and could actually breathe well for the first time in a long long time. They set it at a fairly low pressure until I got comfortable with it, and then during the night increased it. I hardly coughed all night and to be able to breathe easily was wonderful. My only problem with it was keeping it from sliding off the back of my head. I am a very restless sleeper, I don't stay in one position to long. I had to force myself to sleep on my back so they could get an accurate reading for the sleep apnea. Which I found out only happens when I'm on my back, unfortuneately during the night I eventually get there so that's why I need the CPAP. The CPAP took care of the apnea. My Pulmonary doctor's will be happy and so will Dr. Blackstone so I should be able to make my Jan. 26th surgery date. I can hardly wait. My husband bought 2 new pairs of jeans this last weekend and was so jazzed to be able to tuck in his shirt. He was so proud of himself, I told him I may have to consider putting a leash on him! I think the jeans were a size 40 and he was into a 46, or 48 before surgery Nov. 6th. He is doing exceptionally well. He's real excited for me to get started. :junp:
on 12/18/06 11:08 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Carol: I am so glad the Cap is taking care of the apnea. Finally you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow is my last test before surgery. I have my cardiac clearance tomorrow. I did my pre op and that was kinda stressful. Now you can enjoy the holidays. Before you know it Jan.26th will be here. Good for you.
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/06 11:20 am - AZ
Hi Carole, I went to that same sleep study, I felt special being the only one there that night I just got my cpap machine last Friday and have had a cold since then, hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep with it on. It's tough getting used to. I have to bring my mask and tubing with me to the hospital. Let me know how you like your machine, oh and make sure you follow up with Dr blackstones office. I didn't find out I need my cpap machine until the 2 week pre-op with Dr. B so I had to do a mad dash to Apria to get it. Good Luck!!! Erin
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