I have another surgery date!

on 12/6/06 7:50 am - Tolleson, AZ
I just got off of the phone with Noreen at Dr. Blackstones office. My surgery date has been firmed up as 2/7/07. Nothing sooner was available. The last two days have been a roller coaster of emotion. First to have the cardiac tests come back normal and have the SBC office to "hint" at a possible December or early January surgery (happy, happy time!). And then to have everything come to a screaching halt again with the possibility that my employers exclusions through my insurance provider was changing as of 1/1/07 and my bariatric surgery approval may be in jeopardy. Now we are back to an extension by CIGNA on the approval, a confirmation from the HR department at my company that there are no additional exclusions taking effect 1/1/07 but the only available date is 2/7/07 (which was tentatively given to me the night before my original surgery which was cancelled approximately 12 hours before it was to be done!). Along with having the 2/7/07 date set as permanently as it can be is a sense of stability, the water is not moving so fast now and I can get my boat steady again. Of course I will barely be over my seasickness from this current journey than I will have to begin the battery of tests all over again due to my starting this process in February 2006! A number of my tests are now going to be repeated for the 3rd time! So tomorrow it will be 2 months till my surgery. 2 months to get ready, AGAIN. But maybe this is the ultimate test? Maybe I did not do it so well the first time through? I believe that life is traveled down a road with a number of paths. Sometimes you get caught in the cul-de-sacs for a long visit just circling around trying to find what is needed to be found, or in my case learned. Then you find the way on, maybe to another loop 'de loop, but at least onward. I pray that I have learned whatever I have needed to learn. Or perhaps I am still learning. Maybe my experience is for someone reading this blog? I know that the people that have posted here have schooled me in ways they probably had never dreamed their lives would have. Perhaps that is my purpose here, and the reason for this set of events. In a book titled "Conversations with God" there is a sentence that has stuck with me ever since reading it over 10 years ago. God answers prayers always, in ALL ways. Perhaps by a childs voice, a song on the radio, a written sentence or an overheard conversation of two strangers..but He answers. I feel He uses this electronic medium as one of His ways!
on 12/6/06 1:59 pm - Mesa, AZ
Ellen - Very happy to hear that you are on your way !!! Tried to post to SCB website and it wouldn't let me post.... It appears that SBC Admin. has taken over, and don't appear to happy about Forum disscussion regarding "The Office". Well at any rate just wanted to post part of a post from a Texas bariatric patient - " Hello everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that insurance was submitted on Monday and I got a call today that I was approved and having surgery on Friday, 12/8/06!! I go tomorrow to do pre-op and have an appt right after with my surgeon. " Kind of makes your heart drop doesn't it... after all we are put through at Dr. Blackstone's office. This gal has accomblished in one week what we haven't been able to do in almost a year!
on 12/7/06 4:45 am
Lisa I just wanted to assure you that the office forum or any forum on SBC website is not locked down. All that means is that you have to have a login to participate in the forums. New website wording. Admin just reminding patients of posting rules per internet guidelines. I definately want to hear all feedback, positive or negative. Have a great day, and Ellen, congratulations:-)
on 12/7/06 4:52 am - Scottsdale, AZ
Hi Lisa - and everyone else - You may have noticed the post from Diane Giammarino, SBC's Practice Administrator, on the SBC "Office" forum. They really are trying to fix it all - and she was shocked when I contacted her and asked her about the forum being locked down. She explained that while they are making some changes and updating, all the website forum entries require a login, but all comments - positive and negative - are welcome, a sentiment underscored by Dr Blackstone. I want to assure you that complaints, communicated directly to Diane in recent days, have generated immediate and genuine concern and dismay - and I think we will all see considerable changes in the near future. I know that, because I was a prominent complainer. Diane posted her phone number - feel free to call her. I also told her she is free to post on this forum - she thought you had to be a member of some exclusive group , but I think you will be seeing something from her here too. Hang in there - help is on the way!! Maxine
on 12/6/06 3:49 pm - Maricopa, AZ
I'm sorry to hear that it was postponed, but I also believe that things happen for a reason. So, keep your chin up woman! I also know what you are going through regarding insurance. I have united healthcare right now, and if I could have been scheduled in this year, I would only have about an $800 out of pocket. NOW....we go to Cigna in January and I have put aside about 3K because I have to meet a $750 deductible before the insurance kicks in...yuck! I have also checked w/ both insurance companies, and as long as one has approved it, the other one should just take over as planned. This was a relief to me because I hear that Cigna requires patients to go on a 6-month diet before even considering gastric bypass! Yeah, like 6-months out of my 20 years of dieting is really going to help,,,,NOT! My date seems forever....April 3rd. Oh well, I'm sure it will be here before I know it. In the meantime, I keep practicing my 30-20-30 rule. Cant say I am 100% with this yet, but I am still working on it!
on 12/7/06 1:19 am - Austin , TX
Ellen, you've been through so much, I sincerely hope that this date will work out for you. I don't know why it is so hard to get earlier dates, I know they originally wanted to re-schedule me for February back in November when my date had to be moved. Now January 26th seems so close. I only have next Friday's sleep study to do and of course all those wonderful labs in January to do. I was so happy to have them done in November, that was a fleeting moment! Sometimes you just wonder what the lesson is that we're suppose to learn, I've had my share of lessons in patience, I have learned when I get completely overwhelmed with obstacles I need to take a step back. That's what's hard, realizing you are at a point where everything is out of your control. My adult son says that's when you turn it over to God and he says that has helped him so much. We're not suppose to control everything, it would just be a lot easier if we could! My son actually shocked me with that revalation of turning it over to God, I wasn't sure I had done a very good job of making sure he had a Christian backgaround so he could choose for himself what faith he could believe in. I was such a young mother trying to work to make enough money to support us. His father and I were divorced when he was 2 and I didn't remarry until he was 7 years old. Those were pretty rough years....but he was very important to me and became my driving force to develop a career. Enough about me, I just hope from here out you'll have an easier journey, hope to meet you next week at the dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. CaroleM
on 12/7/06 6:57 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Ellen, I'm SO happy for you!!! I know these past few weeks have been very frustrating for you, and I'm glad you finally have a date. I prayer that you won't have any roadblocks for your upcoming surgery, and the you will have a speedy recovery. Thank you sharing your story, however hard it has been. As a pre-op myself, I pour over peoples profiles on a daily basis, and have learned so much from reading other peoples stories. Keep up the Faith, and let go and let God Take care Alli
on 12/7/06 10:05 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Ellen: At least you have a firm date now. I think I would have jumped off that roller coaster with all the ups and downs you have gone thur. You're stronger then you think. God has a way of testing us and I believe you have truly being tested. I wish you only the very very best.
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