Does anyone know about mild pulmonary hypertension?

on 12/5/06 1:12 am - Austin , TX
I'm just a little upset over being told be a clerical person where I had the last echo done that the test showed the cardiologist and pulmonary doctor's that I have mild pulmonary hypertension. It would be nice if the person telling you this had MD after their name so they could explain it to you, but I guess that's too much to expect. I'm going to be seeing my Pulmonary doctor this week to get some answer's but I'm sure some of you have some information about this condition. Probably the good news is it's a mild form of PH. But now what?????Does this mean medication, no surgery? What? Anyone whose experienced this please fill me in. Thanks CaroleM
Melissa P
on 12/5/06 2:49 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Carole, I really can't help you with your question. I do not know what that means. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and hope that this is nothing serious. I also hope that you will be able to move forward with your surgery. Hugs coming your way. Melissa
on 12/5/06 5:54 am - Austin , TX
Thanks Melisa, I think I have to remember the word Mild was used in the diagnosis so I'm not going to panic yet! Carole
Nicole W.
on 12/5/06 5:38 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Carole, I did a google search on pulmonary hypertension... here is the link: Definately do not think the worst until you speak with your Doc... that is not right that the clerical person gave you that information. Thats like the gastro-surgeon's scheduler telling me I can eat when Dr. B told me not too. I would definately say something to your doctor. You will be in my prayers and thoughts. Please let me know what happens after your appointment. ~Nicole
on 12/5/06 5:53 am - Austin , TX
Hi Nicole, I've been thinking about you and hope your doing better... .... I'll check out the link you suggested. I've found some stuff on another link as well that has frequently asked questions and answers on it. I'm going to take it with me to my doctor appt. Some of what I've read says it can be caused by sleep apnea, which is another reason why I can't fight getting that CPAP machine. If losing weight improves sleep apnea, then it makes sense to me this will improve as well with WlS. If they know I have limited lung capacity I'm sure they will watch me pretty close in recovery which is why they want us to take that CPAP thing with us. Can you tell I hate the whole idea...of that machine! I'm just so mad that they tell you something like this without information and your left to wondering all sorts of things. Thanks for the prayers, I think I could use a few, I'll let you know what the doc says. Carole
M. clarke
on 12/30/06 2:06 am
Carole, I was just reading old post where you said you hated the idea of getting your cpap machine. Also remember reading that your getting it soon. I didn't want to get one either; however I have had mine for around 2 years now and I could not sleep without it. It took me about a month to get used to it. And honestly, it completely sucked for the 1st month and most nights for that first month the face piece ended up on the floor. But after that it really was a life saver. The engery alone I had!!!!! You will be amazed at the sleep you are losing and how wonderful you feel just from sleeping alone much less your weight loss! It took me a year after I had mine to convience my brother to get one, and he says the same thing now also. He can't believe the difference it has made in the quality of his life.
on 12/5/06 10:52 am - PHOENIX, AZ
HI Carol: I have no idea what mild pulmonary hypertension is but the doctors would have to figure with being overweight there are going to be some issues. I've seen people on breathing machines get the surgery. Please keep us posted and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
on 12/6/06 12:32 am - Austin , TX
Thanks Pam, I'm going to talk to the Pulmonary Doctor later this morning, we'll see what he says. I stil have to go through one more sleep study to try out one of those CPAP machines. I just really think this is all weight related and will be much better off after losing a significant amount of weight. I'll let you know what's said. Thanks again for the kind words.... Carole
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