Needing Reasurance!!

on 11/30/06 1:22 pm - Kingman, AZ
Hello everyone, I had RNY surgury on 11-6-06. Luckily I have been doing pretty well but I cannot help what my mind keeps telling me that I want all of these different kinds of foods that I used to eat. It is making me a little depressed. I have to say that the cravings are getting better but sometimes they are so strong that it makes me crazy. Also I have found that food is no longer enjoyable to me. Even when I have been able to eat some of the things that I crave they dont taste the same (which is kind of good I guess). I dont like the taste most of the time and for the most part every time I eat I am uncomfortable. I dont think that I am eating too much and I know that eating beans or anything with a gas factor is a no no, but every time I eat my chest hurts and I dont feel good for a few hours. I feel like I am being a wuss but I just need some reasurance that I am not alone with some of this stuff. I am only 3 weeks post op and I am hoping this stuff will pass in time. I will gladly take all the feedback I can get. Thanks Christine
Nicole W.
on 11/30/06 2:00 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
You are not alone, nor being a wuss! I am having the same thing right now. I have been having tons of cravings... I think it's because of the holiday's and my mom's cooking is so damn good. And the holiday's revolve around so much food! But I totally understand how your tastes have changed. Today I had a yogurt and it tasted weird to me for some reason. Last week when I ate chicken it also tasted different to me... sometimes I think it is a mind thing. As for your chest hurting? Are you taking small bites and chewing well? I notice I get pain behind my sternum when I take too big of a bite or don't chew well enough. It either comes up or slides down and I just don't feel like eating anymore.
on 12/1/06 1:18 pm - Kingman, AZ
I think that I am taking small bites and chewing until the food is almost all liquid most of the time but sometimes food gets to the back of my mouth and I swallow it without chewing like I want too. I also think it is a mind thing to as far as the food tasting different. I have also found that the taste changes after I chew it to oblivian, I dont want to have anymore of it. It is nice to hear that I am not alone in this. Some of the people that I have talked to either dont remember having these problems or just did not have them. I hope over time these things even out. I know that once my pouch settles down things will be better also, it just helps to be reasured by others that I am not alone. Thanks Christine
on 11/30/06 9:57 pm
Christine Congratulations !!!!! You are now eating to live - Not living to eat ! Stick to the things your body is happy with. Some of the foods you didnt care for before might be better now! I stick to the foods I know stay down and give me lots of protein. Shrimp, cottage cheese, fruit cups, and chilli are my fav's Now that your loosing weight - Start finding activities that you enjoy - rather than sitting in front of the T.V. with a pint of Ice cream. ---- You can come join me at the Gym ? go for a walk , Dance around the house in your underwear ?? In a few months when the pouch is less moody - You will be able to have some of the old foods you enjoyed - if your new tummy approves of them . Hnag in there - you have lots of learning ahead and change's to go through . But rest assured - your not the only one.
on 12/1/06 1:28 pm - Kingman, AZ
I currently am having trouble finding things that my body is happy with. So far popsicles, broth, and avocados seem to be the best. Tonight I had spaghetti sauce and cottage cheese and it seems to be doing well so far but this was the first meal of the day that I was able to keep down. I dont know why but for some reason I do better with foods in the late afternoon and at night. When I eat in the morning I take the chance of being sick all day depending on what I try to take in. The last time I tried to drink a Carnation instant breakfast in the morning a few days ago it took me almost and hour and then it came right back up. It was then I decided I would not push breakfast anymore. I have found a few hobbies some christmas ornaments that I have been making and of course shopping which gives me lots of walking. I injured my knee the week before surgery so too much exercise makes my knee hurt but I will probably be having surgery in the next few weeks so hopefully that will be better soon. Thanks for the encouragement and ideas. Ill keep you posted on how things are going. Christine
on 12/3/06 10:43 pm
Christine Sounds like your eating a lot of slider foods ?? You might want to give your doctor a call and rule out a stricture..
on 12/5/06 10:48 am - Kingman, AZ
You were right I called my doctor on Monday and thought it was crazy but told him what was going on and he said I had the classic symptoms of a stricture. Thanks for the prompt I was just thinking I was having a hard time adjusting. I am a nurse too but for some reason the things that I see in my patients could not possibly happpen to me!! LOL. Anyway thanks I go in tomorrow for a scope and he said they will fix the stricutres then. Ill let you know how it goes. Thanks Christine
on 12/2/06 12:11 am - Glendale, AZ
Christine, The very best piece of advice that I got from my surgeon was to remember that all of the discomfort, cravings, food issues, eating problems are temporary. I tried to remember that whenever I had issues and it was true... everything is temporary. I know about the no drinking with food rule, but I also know that some people who had trouble in the beginning found relief by taking a couple of sips of warm herb tea before eating. It relaxed the pouch and made it easier to keep food down. Even at almost three years out, I can manage to irritate my tummy and a few sips of warm herb tea helps. Connie
on 12/5/06 10:57 am - Kingman, AZ
I keep forgetting that this initial stage is temorary and I need the constant reminder so thank you. I also tried the herb tea and it seems to help with the discomfort that I have that is constant. I have been just ignoring the fact that I have pain in my chest all the time with anything that I consume worse with things that have any consistancy. Hopefully after I have the scope tomorrow I will be feeling better. Thank you for your help. Christine
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