My adventure with a stricture...

Nicole W.
on 11/27/06 2:50 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Oh, how fun it has been! It started about 10 days ago. I had some roastierre chicken for dinner and it did not agree with me at all. About 5 minutes later it came up. I thought it was because of the grease... Saturday, I had some egg salad and I can feel it "stick" behind my sternum. It eventually passed and when I ate dinner I had the same feeling and ended up bringing dinner up. Saturday... I had an egg, yogurt and then made chicken cutlet... chewed really well. stayed down. Monday... lunch and dinner came up. Tuesday, drank my protein shake and water and same feeling, stuck behind the sternum. I called the office... Randy the Nurse Practioner says its signs of a stricture. So I waited for a date to see a doc to do the dialation. I wasn't able to get in until Monday due to the holiday and it is a different group that does the endoscope. So of course I freaked out a bit because it was 5 days away and upset because I was already having difficult with water and with Thanksgiving and all... it just really sucked. Randy told me that if I had trouble to call them and not to eat since vomiting causes more swelling. Friday morning, I wasn't able to hold water or tea down. I was sent to the ER to be admitted and Randy said they were going to do the procedure Saturday morning. So I spent the night and was pumped with fluids. Dr. Blackstone and Melissa (nurse practioner) came in to see me and said that it is pretty common for a stricture around 3-4 weeks and I didn't do anything wrong. Procedure came and went... I have a pretty high tolerance to versat, the drug they use during the procedure and pretty much remember majority of it. I remember the doc saying... Nicole, we are almost done. Well, the drug wore off and they couldn't give me anymore because my breathing became an issue. Dr. Blackstone came in to see me and she said... "Girl, you were right!" We were only able to dilate it 2mm, so we need to do it with General Anesthesia next week" I was sent home later that night after I was able to drink water and a protein drink and on a liquid diet. So first this morning I call the gastro doc and they cannot get me in until NEXT monday with general anesthesia. So I said to the scheduling girl... I gotta do another week of liquids!, that sucks! She tells me I can eat... I was like uh-huh... whatever you say!!! Here I am drinking water and protein shakes. At least I am off for the next week still... I don't feel so up to par to go back to work at this point. I guess I will just catch up on scrapbooking stuff. Hopefully after Monday I can eat again!!! I am just dreading getting another IV! Thats the worst part for me.
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/06 3:53 pm - Phoenix, AZ
i am so sorry to har you are having a bad time. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Darlene X
on 11/27/06 10:42 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Ahhh Nicole, think of it this way--- you will be all better for our Christmas party on the 14th! hehehe I know from Hubby's experience that strictures are no fun... it is a common complication after surgery, as our stoma's heal.... but hang in there... once they dialate it enough you will feel like a completely new woman! Darlene
on 11/28/06 12:42 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Aw Nick, I am so bummed for you! All the talk about how "easy" stricture fixes are... not in your case huh? Well, it is almost over and you are loosing! Remember all the times in our lives when we wished we had something that would prevent us from eating? Well girl, your wish has come true. Here's to a new, slim Nicole! Cheers, Mary
on 11/28/06 1:04 am - Austin , TX
On Nicole, that's just terrible what's happened. Since I have no idea what stricture is, I'm not really sure what all happens. They don't even approach the subject for lap-band people. Don't get dehydrated again, at least you can have protein drinks, your probably trying all of them. I know what you mean about IV's, some of the people that put one in are okay and do it easily, I seem to get the ones that are practicing! Hope you feel better, keep us posted. Carole
on 11/28/06 10:17 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hang in there girl!! Like you said by next summer this should be a distant memory. Hopefully I won't be a "copy cat" and have one too!! But looks like I'm heading your way. Will you be able to go to the one month class?? Take it easy and call me if you need anything!! Katie
Nicole W.
on 11/28/06 10:54 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Yeah... I will be at the one month class. Procedure is at 11:30am, so it should be over by then! Have to get my bloodwork done tomorrow for the class. I am so looking forward to eating veggies again... or just eating in general. It's been a week since I ate anything other than yogurt! I am going to Island's after support group to get Bajo Taco's without the tortilla. Wanna go?
on 11/28/06 10:43 am - Tolleson, AZ
Oh Nicole!...this is so sad. I just logged on and read your experience and was so sad for you. In all of the reading I have done on these pages I have enjoyed your posts so much! You are always knowledgeable and positive in all things you say. I wish I could have been there for you more. If there is something you need please reach out and let me know. I work a funny schedule (4am-noon) most days so if you needed anything from the store or anything I could help you with that. Just let me know.
Nicole W.
on 11/28/06 10:55 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Oh, thank you Ellen... you are sweet. I am doing good. I am still in good spirits. I have not let this get me down really. I had a moment last Wednesday because I was just upset about Thanksgiving and pretty much scared out of my mind about dehydration. But, I got thru it with my friends... they were really there for me a great deal.
on 11/28/06 11:18 am - Avondale, AZ
Oh Nicole!! I am so sorry it got worse after I saw you. I don't think they should be making you wait so long to have it under general, this seems more of an urgent matter! If you need anything let me know. Cathy
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