A couple of questions

Tiffany McGee
on 11/7/06 8:34 am - Glendale, AZ
Hey All - Sorry it's been so long. I've been so busy with work and kids. I haven't even updated lately. O.k. I have a couple (3) quick questions: 1.) What is the total number of calories you should intake at 3 months out? I just went on Fitday and found out I'm doing close to 1500. I called my dr's office and they say btw 600 and 900. I'm seriously over that. and freaking out about it. Do we count calories from what we drink? Because that alone can be 400 calories (4 protein drinks a day).... 2.) Why is it I'm constantly hungry? It seems to come and go, yesterday - I wasn't hungry in the morning but was famished by afternoon. I ate my breakfast, but didn't have my snacks until afternoon/after lunch. I do keep my meals 3 hours apart and have 3 meal and 3 snacks. 3.) Is it normal to have very low blood sugar? I've had two seriously low blood sugar episodes. IE: Blood sugar below 55 each time. O.k. that's all I've got for now. Thanks for be such a great group of people. *HUGS* Tiff
on 11/7/06 10:29 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi There! I am a Dr. Newhoff pt also. Keep in mind that I had my surg. 2 1/2 yrs ago. At that time Dr. did not emphasize calories. The pattern was ok to drink right up to the time of "first bite" protein first, then a few bites of anything else. Eat until you feel full, but don't take one too many bites.OK to drink 1 hr later. I never counted calories. My suggestion to you is rather than count calories, take a look at what you are consuming if you want to consider calories are they wasted calories? For example the calories in chips vs calories in tuna or cheese? Eat items that are dense in nature. If all you are doing is liquid type meals than that famished feeling is going to happen. What is the protein content that you drink 4 per day? Perhaps the low blood sugar is from not consuming enough solid. For myself I do 1 per day in the morning 45grams and then get the rest of my protein from regular food. Perhaps instead of 3 meals you need to add a couple of small meals to keep that satisified feeling. Watch your carbs, they add up quickly. I hope I'm not rattling on too much for you. We are all different and this is what has worked for me. I have always tried to keep this journey fun & still enjoy my food. Too often we try too hard and in return we make ourselves miserable. Does that make sense? So with all that said, drink, eat protein, drink some more, walk repeat as necessary Hope this helps, but as always do what works for you any replies to your question are just hints of what has worked for others. God Bless! Paula Open RNY 4/1/4 330-195-20 tough ones to go
Tiffany McGee
on 11/7/06 11:32 pm - Glendale, AZ
Firstly - Thank you for your input. I greatly appreciate it. O.k. I strictly follow the drink right up until you take your 1st bite and wait 1 hour after your last bite. No worries there. The protein I am currently using is New Whey - 2.9oz 100 cals 25g protein. They are not filling and I one of those prior to all meals. That is the last thing I drink before I eat my meals. I haven't a clue about wasted calories. I try REALLY hard not to eat things that have some sort of protein value to them. I really try hard to keep my carbs low. But I don't know what I'm suppose to be intaking a day. My meals are quite simple - Dannon Light n Fit Carb/Sugar Control (strawberry or vanilla) 4 oz cup (60 cals, 3g carbs, 5g protein) with 1/3 cup of granola (59 cal, 11g carbs, 1.5 g protein) for breakfast sometimes a piece of fruit or a cheese stick. For lunch I either have more yogurt or I have tuna or chicken with a cheese stick. And dinner is usually whatever meat I've cooked for my guys. My snacks are either cheese stick or protein bars. However, upon checking the calorie counts on Fitday I got a HUGE surprise... Thanks for the input!
on 11/7/06 12:08 pm - Layton, UT
Hey there cute Tiff! You have joined the ranks of all of us who are confused with whether we should focus on calories or protein grams! ...... There are 2 types of losing theories. Calories and Ketosis. ....The Graduat site on yahoo with it's over 6 thousand members will tell you that you should focus on the protein drinks and supplement the eating with lean healthy protein. This will most likely keep you in ketosis losing. My vote from experience of working with 2 hospital programs and O.H. for a few years is to count your calories (this is determined by a Tanita scale ....we should all take in at least 200 less calories than our body uses each day....different for everyone) but to focus on the protein. Whittle down the carbs to under 50 or less a day while you're losing. Carbs will give you sugar highs which will cause the dives in your blood sugar. Sometimes we think that fruit is fine but in fact, our bodies receive fruit, processed carbs (breads, crackrs, etc.) the same way that they would with a spoon ful of pure sugar. It spikes the blood sugar. You can even out the dives by cutting back on carbs and upping the lean protein. You'll also notice a reduction in your cravings (which is probably what you're thinking is hunger). It takes a huge learning curve! Hang in there! Hugggzzz, Joyce (I'm on my 3rd day of pure protein drinks to purge my carb cravings!......HEADACHE!!!)
Tiffany McGee
on 11/7/06 11:37 pm - Glendale, AZ
Do we count the calories in our protein shakes? In gum, mints, etc? I gave up SF popsicles last night because I was afraid of the calories. I gave up caffine again and I've got those headaches too! *HUGS* Thanks for the help. I've seriously confused and I'm just trying to do this somewhat right without messing up the whole process. And I probably wouldn't be such a freak had there was not a 3 lb weight gain this week. My "auntie" better be coming into town *grin* big Hugs! Tiff
on 11/8/06 6:19 am - Layton, UT
Tiff, To count or not to count is a GREAT question. ...... I don't know if you've ever been on Weigh****chers but it's like if you weighed between "this and that" then you could have so many points and as you got closer to your goal then your points became fewer. That's exactly how it is with calories and our weight loss journey. If you use your BMR = the number of calories it takes daily to maintain your current weight and go under that daily then you will lose weight! The closer we get to our goal; the fewer calories we should intake and none of us should assume that our surgery will amalabsorp calories!.....In fact, you can pretty much count on the fact that the further out from out surgery we go, the more we will absorb every single calorie that enters our mouth! You can ask for exact calorie numbers and carb numbers and protein numbers in several different hospitals/programs and get totally different answers. I was like you and went hunting for the "perfect" combination. I've invented my own plans, tried other plans and followed my hospital's program perfectly. IT's kind of like the diets I was on as a pre-op....they ALL work! So, I've found the things that work best for me. Here's what I know for sure. That following an Rny surgery, you will lose weight almost no matter what you do. However, whether you lose as much as you could in your honeymoon period or whether you get to goal is greatly dependent on your choices. (I know...Duh!) ...... My opinon is that those who live a high protein/low carb lifestyle will lose more/faster and will be satiated while doing it with even blood sugars. Your 3 pound gain is most likely water gain and 3 pounds is a normal scale fluctuation. 5 pounds over 2 or 3 days is definitely a gain! ..... Plateaus and slight gains is very normal during the 18 month honeymoon phase. You can break through these times by 1. Increasing water 2. Increasing protein 3. Increasing exercise AND.... 1. Decreasing carbs 2. Decreasing grazing/snacking 3. Decreasing salts, cheese, nuts, peanut butter and other fatty proteins. My main regret with my surgery is that I didn't take the honeymoon phase more seriously and get to my ideal weight while I had the "golden opportunity"! Sooooo...should you count calories from protein drinks? I do! Today I will have 320 calories from protein drinks, and the balance of calories will be from 4 oz of chicken breast, 2 hard boiled eggs and 4 oz of grilled salmon to equal just under 900 total for the day. This is a "lose weight" plan for me. As I get closer to my goal, then I will add healthy carbs a bit at a time. Sorry sweetie ! I'm not sure I know how to do a short answer! LOL! Keep at it! You're dong great! Joyce
on 11/7/06 10:10 pm - Gilbert, AZ
Some of us do have a problem with low blood sugar and it is problematic when it comes to cutting back on the amount of calories. I can't get by on less than 1700 a day (on a good day) and I am 40+ pounds from the top of my goal range. I do not expect to reach goal. I am not sure how many calories I was doing at 3 months out, but do know that each of my shakes was around 200 calories and I did 3 or 4 a day minimum at that time for 30 grams of whey based protein each shake, plus regular food. As to the hungries, I don't tend to have that problem unless my sugar is low as long as I am eating decent protein AND keeping my carb count low (under 100 daily is my goal). I am able to maintain my current weight, but have yet to find a way to lose more. The only thing that I think you can do is just make sure that you are taking in good quality protein first, keep the carbs way down (that also helps with hunger), exercise, and do what you must to keep your blood sugar stable. Unfortunately we don't all end up with the perfect post-op body that just loses to goal with no issues along the way. Being healthy has to be the primary focus for you and if you are meant to lose weight it will happen. Good luck. Sandy in Higley (aka Gilbert)
Tiffany McGee
on 11/7/06 11:42 pm - Glendale, AZ
Thanks Sandy! I appreciate the info!
Sandy in Tucson
on 11/8/06 12:28 am - Tucson, AZ
you have to know your BMR........very important. What your body burns is not what someone else burns......my weight loss group has a $2,300 Tanita scale....so we know our BMR bec we use the scale at support meetings. I use Unjury protein...only bought thru the internet....sometimes $80-100 per month. I still do 3 scoops per day. I counted calories from day one---I stay at about 100-1200 calories daily. I eat no rice-potatoes-bread...all my carbs come from veggies and fruits. I do eat small portions of oatmeal...sometimes. I use fitday.com......I exercise....I mean cardio exercise 3-4 times per week. I never drink with my meals. Sandy 347/147/140
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