I"m new to the website and live in Gilbert!

on 10/23/06 4:42 am - Austin , TX
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself to the group that posts on this website. I tried to upload a picture into the web site, I don't think I did it quite right as it's not where it should be! I work in Chandler as a full time loan officer for real estate loans, my husband is a full time realtor in the East Valley and we're both scheduled for surgery next month. My husbnds is Nov. 6th and I'm Nov. 29th. We are both a little nervous which people tell me is normal, we haven't been that good about all the things your suppose to do. Like giving up diet drinks and not drinking with meals. That is going to be really hard. Not the diet drinks, except for the caffeine part. How does one exist without caffeine? I only drink 1 cup of coffee now, but I think I'm addicted to Diet Mountain Dew in the morning, I bring a can with me into work! I have pretty flexible hours so I think this is going to work out for me as I can work remotely from home with our processing system. My other concern is the exercise part. I'm thinking of us getting bicycles to ride. Where we live in Gilbert at Seville has a lot of good roads that are fairly light as far as traffic. I chose that because walking right now kills my back. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago (horrible to someone who already had a weight problem) and my lower back has made it impossible to walk very far without a lot of pain. It's put a serious damper on shopping at the malls! I did discover catalogs and the internet, so I'm still a consumer. I think this website is so great for all of us changing our lives this way. We really aren't alone in the world doing this. The more people I tell I'm having this surgery it seems they all know at least 1 or 2 other people who have had successful results. Being able to share what your thinking about and getting new ideas makes this a valuable resource. I'd like to meet other people in this end of the valley and talk about things like "what restaurant dining is like for you now"? What has been your biggest chalenge? Hope to talk to you soon. Bye for now. CaroleM
Darlene X
on 10/23/06 5:20 am - Maricopa, AZ
Hi Carole, Welcome to the site! There are lots of great people here, and tons of good information. Its really nice to see another couple taking the plunge together! I had my surgery about 6 months after Hubby had his, we both had Lap RNY though-- Are you both having Lap Band? We were very lucky that we had both given up caffiene about 2-3 years before we had surgery... we went cold turkey, lived with awful headached for a few weeks and got ourselves clean! haha... I thought the not drinking w/ eating would be hard, but seriously it is the easiest thing for me... We still like to eat out.... now we tend to not go to big restraunts on Fridays & Saturday nights... I feel bad going to places when it's busy, for us to share a plate or something when the waitress could make better tips off "regular" eaters... We often share a plate, and still have leftovers to take home... or if we can't agree we get 2 meals and eat left overs for the next few days! LOL. We still really enjoy dining out. We went and got chinese Saturday night... I didnt want what Hubby did... so Ive been eating my chicken & vegetables for a few days, and Hubby has been eating his pork hehe. There is a REALLY awesome support group that meets at Chandler Regional Hospital (Dobson & Frye) on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, at 6-7.30pm. There is a meeting tomorrow night-- we normally always go but can't tomorrow-- anyway its a really good group of people, and nice to have the support. Feel free to ask more questions... everyone here is very cool! Also you can e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any Q's... especially because I know what it's like to go through this as a couple--- also Joyce & her husband on the AZ board here had surgery. Darlene 338/206/170
Nicole W.
on 10/23/06 11:39 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Carole, Were you and your husband at the Pre-Op class on 10/4?
on 10/24/06 7:33 am - Austin , TX
Yes we were there, we were on the left side of the room towards the front. I was the one always coughing! I assume you were there, I didn't talk to hardly anyone because I felt so lousey that day! Where were you?
on 10/24/06 7:52 am - Austin , TX
Hey kiddo, I just realized who you are, you had surgery yesterday! Wow, how are you doing? My husband was at Blackstone's office yesterday afternoon and ran into some of the people from the 10/04 pre op, one of the guys had just had his done, he was there for his post op. appt. He had the bypass one, not lap band, says he's ready for some food, and says to stay away from black cherry jello! Your friend, Carole
Nicole W.
on 10/24/06 8:10 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Carole, I was sitting behind your and your husband... I was the one freezing my butt off! I don't have my surgery until Monday, 10/30. 6 more days!!!
on 10/23/06 12:21 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi, Carole, Welcome to the site and good luck to both you and your hubby. I can relate to your challenges of walking and shopping on the internet because before surgery I was doing as little walking as possible, i.e. avoiding malls, big stores, little stores, etc. I had open RNY on July 31 and am down 58 pounds and can now walk around my office with ease. My doctor wants me now to exercise more than I am so I'm in the process of joining a gym. I am so glad I had the surgery--it has been well worth it for me. Wishing you skinny wishes, Virginia
on 10/24/06 8:02 am - Austin , TX
Hi Virginia, What is RNY? To be down 58 pounds already sounds wonderful to me! I just got back from a visit to a pulmonary specialist today. They are checking into some things related to my breathing. I don't have asthma, just terrible allergies that make me cough a lot. I have trouble sleeping so there's a sleep study about to happen. I may have to have one of those masks to help you breathe at night. After I loose weight they think most of the problem will go away. It would definately be nice to breath better! I think the exercise part will be hard for me as well, when you have limited breathing capability it's not easy. I'm thinking about us getting a couple of bikes. I'm glad to hear that you feel the surgery has already made a big improvement in your life. Thanks for the skinny wishes, same to you! Carole
on 10/23/06 1:13 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Hello Carole and hubby, and welcome to this website. This has been an incredible source of information and support for me. It's great if you have family and friends that are supportive, but it all boils down to people who know what you are going thru. I have been so blessed with the unconditional support that I've received on this website. Good luck and best wishes on your journey. Someone is always around on the boards to answer a question or two, or to just give some reassurance. Alli
on 10/24/06 8:39 am - Austin , TX
Hi Alli, Nice to hear from you. How long ago was your surgery? Which one did you have? We do not have any family or friends here, except for the people in my office because my husband is semi-retired. We have only been here 2 years. So we're looking forward to this whole experience and view it as a really positive move forward. Thanks for your reply. Carole
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