Nuclear Medicine Cardiac Adenosine test hurt REAL BAD!!

on 10/20/06 3:01 pm
Has anyone had to have a Nuclear Medicine Cardiac Adenosine test? I know people respond differently to this test, I'm just looking for others that have had this actual test done. It hurt really bad for me, I was wondering if it hurt for other people. I mean - on a scale of 1-10, it was an 8+. I had severe bronchial spasms and I don't have asthma or allergies. For 6 minutes I felt like I couldn't breath, I was coughing up bubbles and it hurt my heart so bad! I'm still waiting for the results but starting thinking ... was that pain "normal" for this test?
on 10/21/06 12:49 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi, I think I may have had the same test. I remember thinking I wasn't going to get through this and at the end of the test when they gave me medicine to reverse the effects of the drug, I thought I was going to throw up because I was so nauseated. But, I survived and doctor approved me for the surgery so it was all worth it in the end. Good luck to you, Virginia
Linda S.
on 10/22/06 3:31 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Ok, now I'm freaking out. I have my pre-surgery tests coming up this Tuesday. Did you guys NOT have cardio clearance from a cradiologist? I am 55 and it was mandatory for me. Will they still give me this test?? I have asthma, so I hope the hell not. Hugs
on 10/22/06 2:59 pm
Sorry, don't freak out. You'll probably just need an EKG, they don't hurt at all. I had an EKG done that came up abnormally so my doctor ordered a Nuclear test with Adenosine - This test is to look for heart ischemia, they inject radiation into your blood and do MRI's without exercise, than they give you Adenosine or some other type of drug to simulate exercise and than give you more radiation and do more MRI's on your heart after exertion. I would NEVER in a million years have exercised as hard as that medicine made my heart work!! The treadmill would have been much better but also longer to get the heart going. They said I am exceptionally receptive to Adenosine and to never have it used again if I have this test done again. They will know you have asthma if they decide you need this type of test but make sure they understand that YOU HAVE ASTHMA and ask them if you can take your inhaler prior to the treatment.
Linda S.
on 10/22/06 5:42 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Well, I have cardiac clearance already so I hope that is all they need. I know doctor Fang said something about a stress test,my fingers are crossed and I am going to check with some other wls folks. I will go through what ever I have to, but when I was in the hospital and they tried to do this, I refused. They did a doppler and then said they were gonna inject me with some crap and follow it..and I said no.Turns out there was no reason for it. Sigh...we shall see.
on 10/22/06 6:42 am - On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Yes, I had this. First the cardiologist wanted me to do the treadmill one, but insurance would only cover the adenosine one. Go figure! During the entire time, I was wishing I could have done the treadmill one. It was a horrible experience for me. I don't think it necessarily hurt as much as it was very uncomfortable. I felt so out of breath and sick to my stomach and my chest hurt a little. I know the treadmill one would have been much easier. They kept telling're halfway done....2 minutes left, 1 minute left, 30 seconds, et****pt trying to focus on something pleasant and that seemed to help somewhat. My results came out normal and I am sure yours will too!! Before I left they said "Good Luck with your surgery" and the nurse winked at me, so I knew I had done ok!
on 10/23/06 2:31 am
Yep .. I too had this test and thought I was going to die right there, I pray to GOD I never have to do that test again! They say either you have a bad time of it or its no big thing! yeah right .... it started like the feeling you get when your hand falls asleep and then the dryness, shortness of breath and it runs your entire body - I felt like I drank a glass of Sand ! I cried for them to stop! But I was at least happy a cardiologist was standing right there . 6 minutes felt like a lifetime .. I knew that if I got the go ahead after the test was over there was no way I was backing out on GB surgery ... In the end I will say this ,, The test makes you realize whats in store for you - If you dont loose the weight !
on 10/23/06 8:09 am - Austin , TX
My doctor has all her patients do this test. They insist on it because it gives them a much better picture of how your heat functions. You can't possibly get your heart rate up high enough to give them the same results as this test. When I went in for this test they knew I had a bad experience with it the year previoius and did it very carefully this time. They didn't give me the injection all at one time, more gradually lessens the feeling that you can't breath. I have asthma so it's much worse than it would be for others. I had mine at Heartcare and the attendent couldn't have been nicer and more careful. When I realized an ekg doesn't give them the whole picture I knew it was necessary. They want to see how your heart functions under stress (like surgery) and at rest. We should be glad these tests are required, I'm sure there are other clinics that are not so careful and people have problems. My husband has found out that he has 50% blockage in the main 2 lower arteries. He would have never known this if they couldn't refer to the nuclear test. He now is under the right medication and can have the WLS.
Linda S.
on 10/23/06 10:05 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Well, I am getting ready to go for pre-ops now. I do not know the ages of you guys. This test will be a deal breaker for me, honestly. One thing I know about the medical profession is this: If there is one way to do something, there are 3 more ways to do it. I'll check in with you this evening Under Tall. I'm off to see the wizard.
Linda S.
on 10/26/06 5:00 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Well, Under Tall, I did not have the test. I did find out they have options, other tests that give the result/answers they are looking for. I have my appt with Dr. Fang in an hour, and I will make sure he knows to please use an alternative. I got through the pre-admission testing...yay for me! Keep smiling!
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